Help request for "king of the hill" scoring system

I am very new to the overwatch workshop, and I have no prior experience in any form coding

I was wanting to create a “king of the hill” game, but I am struggling with the scoring. The map is Hollywood, and it is a deathmatch.

What I am trying to do is make it so that when someone is standing on the wagon in the western part of the map, their score slowly goes up.

Is there a way to do that? And if so, how?

Yeah, there’s a value/function called “Is on payload.” Just create a rule that has "Is On Payload(Event Player) == True) as a condition. Make a loop while the condition is true, and wait X seconds in it. Increase the score by whatever X seconds is worth inside the loop.

Edit: I misread a bit. Instead of the payload function, find the location of the wagon, and test if distance < Y meters.

Thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed <3

I made a king of the hill mode a while back, feel free to study/use whatever code you want: SEQRG