Help me understand the MMR and "Balanced" matches

Blizzard has said they use the hidden mmr to create balanced matches, but wouldn’t this create an inaccurate Season Rating for players?

Explain to me what happens when a Diamond player decides to throw at the end of the season (or a bronze player pays to get boosted) and now you have a diamond player playing in gold. The hidden MMR system tries to make even matches for him, thereby putting him with other diamond players who threw, had a loss streak, or got drunk and dropped 1000 SR. Now you have an inaccurate depiction of skill at the silver, gold, and plat levels.

If you think there aren’t many players like this, I would say you are wrong. Tons of players tilt and throw, especially at the end of a season.

I think that the Silver, Gold, and Plat SR levels are where the biggest problem is. Too many players there to accurately be the same skill rating. Maybe blizzard can come out and finally say that SR does not equal skill, except for the outliers of Masters, GM, and Bronze?

Your thoughts?

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No rating system can correct for people manipulating their rating by throwing, account sharing, or other similar actions. The only solution is banning.

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The hidden MMR is extremely similar to SR. The only adjustments are for things like decay, where your SR drops but your MMR stays the same so that decayed GMs don’t fight diamonds.

If you throw a whole bunch of games, your MMR drops along with your SR, since the system will think you’re a bad player.

So what happens after you have thrown and decide to try again?

Dalas120, I welcome you to throw some games to about 1800 SR, and see if you can climb back to 3100. I don’t think its possible, because you will be matched with other players similar to your skill of 3000 (who also deranked) and you will have a 50/50 win loss ratio.

Also, MMR is not close to SR. Not sure where you got this information. Jeff Kaplan said he watched a 4600 pro player start at bronze and said that within 5 games or so, his MMR was accurate to his skill of 4600. But there is no way his SR went up 3000 points in 5 games. The MMR moves very quickly, but the SR can max go up 35-50ish?

I don’t buy into that at all, given how the different tiers play in QP when thrown together. It’s only rank blindness of your own given peers that makes it seem like one is +1 better than “everyone else” on the team or whatever.

Back in season 5 I got really tilted and dropped from around ~2900 to ~1900 in one afternoon. I took a break for a couple of days, and when I started playing again I basically won every game up to ~2750

I know that the devs have stated MMR is very similar to SR at some point back on the old forums. I believe the example you mean is a 4600 pro player starting a new smurf, and that it was his QP MMR that went up very quickly. QP MMR is what your starting comp MMR is based off of when you queue into your first placement. Comp MMR adjusts slower, but can still climb pretty quickly due to performance-based gains at sub-diamond ranks. I can speak from experience that QP ranks you up extremely fast if you buy a new account

Yeah I think handicapping makes SR (Skill Rating) meaningless. I’ve seen vast discrepancies in skill between the participants of the same matches, in bronze through platinum. People say it’s different in diamond and above, but I’ve never gotten that far.

That example is not what I was referring to. I believe it was Defran who got ahold of a bronze comp account, and streamed his journey from bronze to top 500. Later, Jeff Kaplan and the dev team commented in a interview that within 5-6 games, the MMR system had him at 4600 equivalent, but his rank was still silver.

The short version is that, if you’re doing really well… expect your teammates to get worse.

And if you’re losing a lot and doing terrible, you’ll magically receive teammates who can do all the work for you.

It’s a terrible system.

Blizzard is trying SO hard to create “even” matches, that makes it really difficult for even matches to naturally happen because people are not finding their true ranks.

It should be completely random, and let people rank up or down to where they belong. Instead, they’re keeping good and bad players lumped together…

In hopes to keep people chasing SR, and buying lootboxes along the way.

it doesn’t do this at all… Like not even close.


what do you mean? if you want to make a point, can you at least explain it better?

How many threads does there have to be…

if you’re doing really well you go UP in MMR. Meaning your teammates get better.

If you losing a lot you will get placed with Lower MMR teammates. It doesn’t “magically receive teammates who can do all the work for you”

As i said. It doesn’t do this at all. Not even close.

Completely random is a dumb idea, and i’d bet you’d be the 1st person complaining that games are not fair and not winnable because you keep getting bad teams, and they have fantastic teams. Because random.

Instead it places you with equal skill players and gives you more control of the outcome of the game. How hard is that to understand?

Well, we’ve seen two year’s worth of posts of players who witness it.

The rest are in denial.

The system looks at your previous games, and tries to find people around your MMR to balance it out.

Meaning, if you’ve won 4 in a row… you get people who’ve been losing.

And yes, it does happen. Over and over and over for two years straight since i’ve started posting about it to the point where you can literally predict it.

You CAN rank up by improving your hidden MMR, sure. But you’re forced to play with bad teammates if the system thinks you need to drop. And if the system thinks you need to climb, then you’re suddenly teamed with people who know what they’re doing.

Plenty of posts detailing the signs of the forced streaks. In no other game do you see this pattern.

Also, random WOULD be better in the long run. Random within your tier.
Because if the 3 best people get on a team, cool, they win and rank up. Random would get people to their true ranks faster, and matches would naturally become even. Blizzard trying to control the heck out of it doesn’t really make for better matches. It makes for terrible players staying in Plat. Or good players stuck in Gold.

Because when you force each match to be as even as possible, how do you do that? By controlling it. Forcing it. By giving the worst player in the match the same chance to win as the best player. When they should probably not even BE in the same match.

Gotta let people find their actual ranks and stop trying to control things. Or it’s always going to be a toxic hell pit.

Yeah you obviously have no idea how and why matchmaking works the way it does. All of those posts claiming this have been disproved every. single. time.

You should stream and show us the “potato teammates” you get as punishment for winning too much.

Only one person on the old forums tried to do that and even posted the videos, and all we found out is that he’s a quick tilter and was the main reason he ended up on a losing streak, and his teammates, while they made mistakes, were very, very competent. I bet you’re the same kind of person too, who mentally gets in your own way.

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