Help Me Understand Competitive Better

Hello Fourtified, have you tried reading through Kaawumba’s thread?
Maybe it might be of some use to you:

If you think that relying on 5 unreliable randoms aka “solo queue” players, maybe you can try LFG?

Personally, i have had cases whereby i believed that i was doing well in some games last season whereby i lost 7 SR points for 2 games. However, it has been deemed as a bug in the system so i had submitted a Bug report but i have no reply yet.

There is such a thing as Performance SR but apparently, it is not that much to make a difference. The only thing i can say is that this game is a Team-based MOBA/FPS hybrid and hence, it rewards/penalises based on performance as a team.

It appears that this is Blizzard’s overarching strategy towards their online competitive games because Heroes of the Storm functions along similar lines unlike other MOBAs.