Help me to pick dps to play?

You gotta be shirtless and sweaty for maximum manliness too, you can’t have your shirt containing all your manliness. This is exactly why Rein needs a shirtless skin

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Maybe I try Soldier 76 and junkrat, tough they maybe seem bit boring, but maybe for a start it seems like a good idea :thinking:

Doomfist, it gonna take awhile to learn him but when you do, you’ll be a unstoppable one punch man.

You just need the chest hair bursting through their low-cut tank tops, and rippling biceps. Maximum manliness achieved.

Don’t even get me started on Reinhardt.

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I would love to learn him but I think he is too many “trial and error” games for me. He is one those character I lose my mind because I die all the time :joy: but maybe I should keep trying.


Then again Sombra is ‘too hard’ for most of the general playerbase and most of the time you will get hate if the team loses.

That being said Blizzard is still making changes on the PTR to her so we’ll have to see if she gets better or worse. With the most recent changes it is still a nerf but lesser so.

I prefer live but if she gets a few more adjustments I think she’ll be better (even though the changes were not asked for)

Okay, it’s your choice my man

Pick Tracer and you will have all of the following.

  1. lowest HP in the game.

  2. No one shot mechanics.

  3. Hard to use ultimate that can barely kill anybody.

But she can one clip mercy so she is OPAF.

I don’t know about other dudes but a shirtless giant senile old German man swinging around a deadly weapon is enough to curve me (make me not straight)

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When he says, “You’re on my naughty list”, it does things to me.

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It does things to the Mercys I play with too. Trapping them in a corner and spamming that puts them in their place.

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Damn straight

I wonder if the mods actually look at the text written in <here>, is stuff written in the shadow realm reportable?

Listen here good.

Step 1: pick Junkrat
Step 2: climb

Potentially. I know you can see what I typed there, lol.

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It’s weird, it’s almost like everyone who plays Junkrat would be able to climb out of current ranks and reach Masters since he’s so easy and OP. Strange…very strange.

There’s a limit to everyone’s skill. Or a time limit anyway.

You can easily spam your way into at least plat with him. You think playing other dps would be the same effort-reward ratio?

Nothing can get passed these eyes, I have special eyes :eyes:

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X-ray vision eyes. But only good at seeing through clothes, nothing else.

Then why are there still Silver Junkrat players then?