Health pools: Removing default health pools?

I’m working on a hero rework mode in the workshop (like we didn’t already have enough :roll_eyes:) but I was wondering if you could remove base game health pools from people to get rid of things like shields or armor.

For example: One thing I did was turn Zarya into a DPS hero. I want to remove her shield health and reduce her total health to around 200 or 250. Is this something I can do, and if so, how?

Just wondering. It’s something I have been thinking about not only for this mode, but also for fun modes like; what if there were no shields or armor? Like having Rein with just 500 straight HP or Orisa with 450 straight HP. Stuff like that.

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Examine this demo mode: XH2QV

I think this will work for now. It isn’t exactly what i’m looking for but it’s close enough. Thanks a bunch :slight_smile: