Healing in comp is cancer

Is it just me or is healing in this game cancer?As a healer you cannot carry like a dps or tank so you have to rely on your team even more then the other roles, this is oh so much fun if you include the broken matchmaking grouping system that allows people two sometimes 3 ranks above you to be in your game; but it’s so much fun to have the game give you dps that cannot aim or tanks that wont tank and while they are all doing nothing you are being blamed for not healing…while they are literally standing in every bullet coming at them.as the SR system is seriously flawed in every way(personal rank for a team game is foolish)healers shouldn’t be hit so hard when losing SR and should gain morewhen they win. Just my opinion after almost 5 years of this unfixed game.


It feels that way. Some supports have more or less influence than others, but supports definitely don’t have the same impact that DPS and Tanks do.

I mained Mercy for years, but it’s so unbearable to play her in comp now because you have no impact on the game at all. If you get awesome DPS you can damage boost them, but they were probably going to land all their shots anyway. If you get bad DPS it feels like you spend the entire game waiting for them to do something. Meanwhile you can dump tens of thousands of healing into your tanks, but it doesn’t matter if the enemy’s DPS don’t die.

It’s probably never coming back, but rez as an ultimate was actually exciting and let Mercy make game winning plays. Now it feels like all you can do is hope you landed on the better team.


Where did you get this completely wrong sentence from?

Supports can carry just like Tanks and DPS do, usually requires more effort but still doable.

That Ana anti-ing the enemy team and results in them dying quickly or shuts down an ult with her sleep? Carry

That Reddit Lucio killing and distracting the enemy DPS and Supports? Carry

That perfect beat/trance that saved you from multiple enemy ults? carry

You just need to think and use your utility offensively


The reoccurring trend of “carrying” as a support is getting picks. Ana is probably the best at this because she’s a hitscan with nade and sleep. Nothing in this game matters more than killing someone on the enemy team. It immediately removes them and all of their abilities/damage from the fight.

Tanks and DPS are way better at this than support. Most supports have to be opportunistic and wait for a chance to do something big. Tanks and DPS spend the whole game winning or losing fights based almost entirely on their own performance.


It was only exciting for the Mercy player.

Literally the most broken and terribly designed ultimate.


Very rare someone on this forum actually speak the truth. :slight_smile: Kudos to you for that.
I was a dps and this season i started playing support. I have to say the experience is unbearable. I feel helpless and feels like here’s nothing i can do if the other roles refusing to pick proper counters. These past 2 games i played earlier today, two games there was a player played winston even when the enemy team had reaper and damn good one too. The best i could do was to sleep him and denying him his ults.


That’s because most support players are bots, and they are bad at playmaking. Tanks and DPS have - by default - a more assertive role on the team, so they’re always going to feel like they contribute more until you get to a skill level where you can consistently make decent plays on support, and have a coordinated team around you - without the latter, you will end up feeding, especially on heroes like Zenyatta and Ana.

But most supports are just fine being bots, and then complaining about it feeling awful to play the role.

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Why is it acceptable for a DPS ultimate to instantly delete half of the enemy team, but when a support revives them it’s “broken”?

I feel like the lack of good defensive support ults makes the game snowball even harder.

I have hundreds of hours on support as well as tank and I can tell you that the opportunity for game changing plays is not the same at all.

I can easily nab gold damage and elims on most tanks and win fights with good shatter/grav/flux. What is Mercy’s “five-man-shatter”? If you spend the whole game healing then you’re a bot, but pocketing a clueless DPS who can’t land shots is just as brainless. Using rez depends entirely on where your teammate died (giving you even less control over the game).


I got to 4150 as ana with a 74% winrate. I placed 3.9. 250sr against the top 1% with a 72% winrate.
I guess if supports can’t carry I just got lucky?
Come on man.


What ult deletes half the team with no counter play dude?


Rez had counterplay too. They nerfed it several times before removing it.

no one complained that rez was op. It was, dont get me wrong but they complained because it promoted a boring playstyle that essentially forced the enemy to waste ults.


[quote=“unsaidtruth-1174, post:1, topic:636647, full:true”]
Is it just me or just my opinion [/quote]

Definitely just you.

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From the sound of it, you’re playing support like a healer. You’re not meant to just heal. You’re meant to support. Speed boost your tanks into the fight. Anti the enemy. Shield bash their doomfist.

You have alot more control over the game than you think, but only if you’re playing support. Not healer.


Every support can ‘carry’, though the carry is not as ‘in your face’ as the other two roles. I will receive hate for saying it here, but there are unranked to gm series on youtube for even Mercy by Aquaboost, ML7, Skiesti, etc which were really helpful for improving my gameplay, so I will disagree with your sentiment here. Also Spilo’s coaching videos.

  • I would recommend watching these kind of videos (well, not unranked to GM if you dislike the idea, but any tutorial or review videos, whatever you like) and review your own gameplay.
  • And never be toxic and blame your teammates for what happens, just focus on what you could have done to help you win the game

Oh i see, first of all define the word carry. Second are you impying that you climbed from 3.9 to 4150 based only on your sole decision making? so you reached 74% winrate and all of it is based on you changed the outcome of all these games because you alone have contributed to the win while the rest of your teammate didn’t quite excel in their roles but somehow you made sure the entire team won. If so can i see all your videos leading towards you reaching 4150, i mean i never seen one person in a team had the power to change an outcome of a game unless in a lower ranks like poor me still in plat/dia where i have seen high ranked players playing in these lower ranks smashing and destroying enemy team. But if i can see all those videos i could actually learn a lot from you.

As a Mercy main I feel this. Oh boy do I feel it.

going by ops mindset, i would define carry by not being deadweight. why am i defining the word I never said again?

im saying theres more to support than healing. the op literally states

anyone that thinks a support enables and only enables is a fool.

I hate to be the one to tell you but when you win the overwhelming majority of your games, that is the logical conclusion to come to. however, the impact on my end that lead to a win could have been something as simple as not being boosted. there are just unlucky games for both teams. they do not account for 72% of them though.

yeah man, let me just grab the replays from like a month ago. shut up dude. what normal person records their games?

there’s a thread somewhere asking for replay codes, there’s two in there.

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it does suck to play mercy. your just heal botting the whole game. and i CONSTANTLY get dmed through xbox or ow itself from people like “exclude urself from existence loser” “learn to pocket dps heal isnt meta” and just threats like that, are just so messed up

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LOL you simply said :
I got to 4150 as ana with a 74% winrate. I placed 3.9. 250sr against the top 1% with a 72% winrate.
I guess if supports can’t carry I just got lucky?
Come on man.

You Implied that as support you carried the team and you are now contradicting youself by saying you don’t wish to define something you didn’t say? Which one is the truth?
Oh so you don’t have any proof that you “carried” anyone but you simply decided to chime in because you are 4150 so that means you have to be right and the OP Is just simply venting out and there’s no such thing as other teammates decision can impede your progress, i guess we have to take your word for it because you are 4150.

No the op said
" As a healer you cannot carry like a dps or tank so you have to rely on your team even more then the other roles"

to which you provided no proof that you carried and by saying that you are implying that the efforts of the other players who played with you didn’t get you the victory but rather you won because you carried them. It’s funny how you cannot admit that you didn’t get there by yourself but it was combination of team efforts that helped you.

Though i do not agree with everything he said but the op is right when he said you have to rely on your team i know because i see ML7 as a support relies on his teammates too, yes is very skillful but i never seen him actually “carried” the team it has always been teamwork and team effort where one rely on each other for a win. iIam too a support now in a lower ranks, granted we are all learning below here and there’s so much to learn, but you cannot disprove his claims simply because you are 4150 and provided no proof that you carried. or as you said maybe you are just lucky. In 2 games straight, Today i had winston players diving in alone and diving deep alone in Hanamura against double shield reaper and Pharah and refused to use voice comm and even type.
I tried everything i know in the book to keep this guy alive but everytime we respawned he went in alone. It has happened a lot and i know those who are in low ranks know it’s happening too. Perhaps these are the games that make people like us believe that playing support in low ranks are almost impossible to “carry”. That it is cancerous to be playing support.

I have been reading on some stuff and i came across something and it kinda clicked when i read your posts here. So here we go:

A superiority complex is a behavior that suggests a person believes they’re somehow superior to others. People with this complex often have exaggerated opinions of themselves. They may believe their abilities and achievements surpass those of others.

However, a superiority complex may actually be hiding low self-esteem or a sense of inferiority.

In short, people with a superiority complex frequently have boastful attitudes to people around them. But these are merely a way to cover up feelings of failure or shortcoming.

The symptoms of superiority complex may include:

  • high valuations of self-worth
  • boastful claims that aren’t backed up by reality
  • overly high opinion of one’s self
  • a self-image of supremacy or authority
  • unwillingness to listen to others
  • overcompensation for specific elements of life
  • mood swings, often made worse by contradiction from another person
  • underlying low self-esteem or feelings of inferiority

With that i’m done here. It’s because of people like you i hate OW forum. You talk as if you are right and everyone else is wrong.

Maybe you gotta check out the article and ponder on it.

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