Healers of Overwatch

In times like these when healers are on the front lines, we should appreciate the healers of Overwatch as well, and take a look at what healing they can actually provide.

Ana Amari
By her own admission she isn’t very good at first aid or field dressing, but she does know how to do it. She can patch you up if necessary, but just enough to get you to a doctor.

Jean-Baptiste Augustin
Works in a clinic and is a field medic, so he probably has some medical training. He can patch you up and give long term care.

Brigitte Lindholm
Her adventures with Reinhardt have forced her to learn first-aid to patch up his cuts and bruises, so she’d probably be good in a pinch, but lacks the knowledge for long term treatment.

Dr. Angela Ziegler, Ph.D MD
Finally, an actual medical doctor. Dr. Zeigler has experience in the medical profession, and has pioneered advances in the field of nanobiology. Her expertise is in surgery, but she could probably still take care of whatever illness or injury you have.

Dr. Moira O’Deorain, Ph.D
As a geneticist who likely has a background in biology, Moira won’t be much help when it comes to treating wounds or diseases - but if you want a cure for those diseases, she’s the one you want. Just be careful you don’t get more than you asked for.

Tekhartha Zenyatta
More of a therapist than a doctor, Zenyatta can heal your soul. He’ll listen to your worries and set your mind at ease, helping you come to terms with whatever troubles you.


Your name is DoctorSix, does that mean you’re a healer?

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Ever notice how Zeny’s orbs and Moira’s orbs look the same?

Two completely different approaches to aid, same energy?

What about symmetry?

She can give you an additional shield so you wont get damage and will sass and roast you when her shield are broken!

Joke aside i like your Post!

I think that’s just gameplay clarity. All healing is visually yellow, even if its not Mercy’s biotic tech.

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Not that kind of Doctor.

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What kind of Doctor are you?!? An octopus? Phil? Oz? Doom? Strange? SEVEN?!?


Ana and Moira explicitly use modified nanotechnology, created with Angela’s blueprints and methodology, if not her consent. Baptiste likely uses it as well. While Ana isn’t a healer of her own admission, Moira can definitely provide what Baptiste does as a medic, as seen through her field service in her Blackwatch days.

Mercy is definitely the most qualified though.

I know the purpose of this thread, but you can’t tell me Lúcio doesn’t heal the world with his music and that winning smile :wink:


Sometimes…in lonely moments a good song can help somebody out :slightly_smiling_face: