Healer dps mindset needs to be put in grave

They can’t. But they can buff Supports directly and indirectly in ways that are deliberately “Fun” for DPS/Tank players in Plat through Silver. (i.e. The demographic that could get the most bulk Support player counts).

As well as do things like giving everybody an out-of-combat regen passive, to cut down on the more tedious healing. Maybe make it so that there’s a buff to healing amounts for out-of-combat heals. Which also gives the option of lowering heals in-combat for some Supports, if Composition Durability gets too high.

Supports are just relearning the game where they NEED to contribute more damage output into the game.

Most support players played support since they couldn’t aim. The best support players can aim well, so they can hit enough shots to get damage in while still getting healing off. Many DPS supports are struggling to land enough shots to ever kill anything. If they could land those shots they would naturally be able to heal more.

The best Kiriko players can hit like 3-5k dmg & hit 10k heals per 10min. I struggle to break 1.3k dmg, but can hit 10k heals per 10min. The best players have like 33% acc on avg while I have like 20%. In many ways, the thing holding me back I think is just being unable to land enough shots.

Same here. I even climbed up a building today and slayed her like a ninja. I’d say she’s quite good at killing Widows. Climb up, kill, and then teleport to party.

You’ll find as you get a responsibility or two in real life, opportunities where schedules line up for you and your friends to sit down and waste a solid amount of time in a video game diminish.

Not everyone has friends that play Overwatch.

None of this nonsense you are talking is going to change the fact that if you want to win games as support you need to identify the better performers on your team, keep them alive and contribute to effective damage.

You want heals? Stop whiffing all your shots, I’m not going to heal you so you can die over the course of a minute and a half to a Sym that you cannot hit. That will happen once, maybe twice. Then you’re done and I’m just going to shoot Sym.

To be clear - I do play with friends, sometimes. My friends however aren’t all that great at this game. So we have to play in QP and that’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

Don’t know where you got that from, but I guess since your reading comprehension is on the level of a toddler I might as well spell it out. R. O. L E. Q. U. E. U. E. . S. U. P. P. O. R. T. I. S. T. H. E. M. O. S. T. I. M. P. A. C. T. F. U. L. R. O. L. E. A. N. D. D. O. E. S. N. O. T. N. E. E. D. B. U. F. F. S.

If you can’t comprehend the idea that matchmaking quality and matchmaking speed are associated tradeoffs. Dunno what to say dude.

Overwatch 2 developer blog: Matchmaker and competitive deep dive, part 1

Other than that, how about I summarize the arguments:

  • Open Queue: It’s important to make sure Roles have equal value, to prevent Role Stacking, which led to Excessively Durable Compositions.
  • Role Queue: It’s important to make sure Roles have equal value, because otherwise they wouldn’t have equal value.

And you somehow think the second argument isn’t circular logic?

Much less demanding a specific design approach, with no targeted game mechanics in mind.

Don’t like it?

The whole core of the game shifted, and now most supports who were designed to be more team oriented are realizing that it isn’t a team oriented game anymore, even though it should be more so one member is gone.

Individual emphasis is more important, and that’s difficult to achieve when your character’s kit is designed around the team.

Except it’s not even tanks in general. It’s literally only orisa and hog.

Hog has a one shot, 700 HP, a 350 hp self heal, and an ult that cannot be canceled anymore.

Orisa has fortify, a projectile eater, an ult that also gives her fortify when she pops it for free, and half her health as armor.

No other tank is an unstoppable killing machine like them, it’s just them two PLUS the fact they are probably the two easiest tanks to play in general.

This has been a thing since forever. This is always how support has been, nothing has changed. If anything it’s harder for you guys to get focused BECAUSE of the tank removal because now a tank can’t peel and go for supports at the same time. Tanks can’t just leave their team like that anymore, because they don’t have a 2nd tank to hold it down somewhere or to do the other half of the job.

Support has always been getting chased constantly. Because that’s what will ALWAYS happen. Supports HAVE to die first or nothng else will without hard focus fire or one shots because the healing in this game is so high.

What does this even mean when a majority of the maps are still ow1 maps and the flanks are no different or no more egregious than they were before. The flank routes in this game aren’t something to rave about. Especially because again… ALL THE FLANKERS AND DIVE HEROES HAVE BEEN HARD NERFED.

This game isn’t in some flanker meta where supports are struggling. It’s hard one shots and hitscan, which if you wanna argue that’s why support is struggling. I’ll tell you that EVERY role is struggling because of this dog water meta.

I’ll say it again, support role can be good and seem fun to play again when it isn’t just ana and kiriko bottlenecking the role.

  1. Ana has dumb ability (antinade)
  2. kiriko has dumb ability to counter dumb ability (suzu)
  3. Ana’s dumb ability is broken so kiriko is forced to be hard meta to stop ana from being hard meta.

Take kiriko out the game right now and it would be Ana in every single game. Hell, ana still even peeks through anyway even with kiriko being in the game.

May favorite part about healer dps is that the original complaint was that healers needed dmg to fight back against harassers, understandable, but now healers are actively harassing the enemy with dmg, and every time they duel a dps, they now have comparable dmg, can heal themselves, and have secondary abilities that help them deal even more dmg than a dps. And who can forget about the genius who thought every single healer should have zero dmg fall off, because why not, poke dmg isn’t dangerous enough as it is I guess

Spoken like a true doomfist main lol you’re clueless if you think the support experience hasn’t changed in that way in OW2 it’s so widely accepted you’re either trolling or spend far too much time complaining about doom balance changes than thinking about others’ experiences in OW2.

Easy fix for that.

Give everybody a regen passive, but require they be within 20m range of a teammate for it to activate. (Which can be through walls).

And make it so that also includes Supports.

Queue times prove that support is bad

I’m really bad with this and Ram, he’s just so gooood to DPS with. Esp with a great healer.

i dont think you understand that if you balance it properly they are less bloated.

if you for instance nerf there healing significantly they can have better dmg in the cases where its needed or better and more consistent utility.

yes creating heroes that can do high dmg and high healing with good utility is bad, but you design or redesign supports to be like zen or lucio and you save the game and bring it into a second golden age.

Ooooor… They could buff and/or rework supports in ways that are deliberately “Fun” for SUPPORT players. Overwatch needs a thriving support playerbase for healthy queues, which means you can’t just focus on DPS & tank players.

It’s really frustrating to see everyone act like support mains (players who prefer supportive roles in multiplayer games) aren’t real, or at the very least aren’t worth considering when making design choices that affect their role.

It’s not like support players are incredibly rare compared to DPS/tank players (are we less common, yes. Rare? no). It’s just that support characters in Overwatch have been designed/balanced so badly that they aren’t all that fun to play for support-oriented gamers. That needs to change.


“Hngghhh DPs support play. Hnnggghh heal bot.”

FFS… Game sense. Learn the game. Having high damage or healing numbers doesn’t mean anything unless they’re applied at the correct times.

I could play Tracer and dump clips into a roadhog at a distance. Wow. Much damage numbers. Or I can be Brig or Lucio or Moiria pulsingy general heals out and get great healing numbers. Doesn’t matter.

The value comes from the timing, the saves and the elims. Don’t expect an oppressive af Window to get high damage numbers, but she will click your heads and ruin your lobbies. Empty dumping of both heals and damage really only matters for ult charge.

I slaughter the lobby as Tracer, focusing the back line and the squish, with 8,000 damage I could kill your squish 40 times in a perfect setting.

These numbers mean nothing more than reference. Brig inspire can pull 8,000+ healing alone. Doesn’t mean she was played well.

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i do like to contribute damage as a support player but i also try to balance it all out. i think it really depends on your MMR elo range what you can and cant do. like my games are probably low elo so i do have to concentrate on healing more since people like to face tank damage in my games lol… every opportunity to dps tho and im doing it. scoping sniping with ana, trying to headshot kunai with kiriko, flanking and going for suports as moira, mace to face as brigitte … now mercy is a different story, i tried pistol mercy but it doesnt work

I’m just giving you some friendly advice that the game was intended to be played with you already in a group of like minded people. If you are solo queuing, you are gambling with the other 4 slots on your team each time. If you want less randomness, queue in a group. I personally solo queue because I don’t care about winning, but if I did care, I would group up before every match.

Sadly this. A moira in low ranks can decimate people taking advantage of her consistent even low damage, mobility and that the enemy team doesnt have such aim. She doest need it anyway so… is in the game.
I really do not like the moira dps philosophy as sometimes they overextend and act as flankers forgetting they have a team…killing everything on the back as the payload is carried or the point is taken and his/her team is death.
Other times I have myself to turn to moira, like a recent game I played, both supports on our team were healing double than the enemy team and we lost the first round in koth. So it was clear we needed more damage cause dps were not doing enough kills and were running to feed the enemy not even looking for cover.
We won, the mercy and me healed more than 12k both 4k more than the enemy team and one dps was saying “stupid healers”… again not me or mercy were going battlemercy or dpsing. So even in those situations, winning the match etc, a phara spammed the i need healing and complained and was toxic. I guess character design provides and toxicity from your teammates sometimes as well. At the end, if I play support I do what my team needs not forgetting to heal at all. Not playing to boost the ego of this or that player that was underperforming all match.

If you subtract DPS players, Tank players, and Aggressive Support players.

At best, you got maybe 7% of the playerbase that’s Non-Aggressive Support players.

With a guesstimate of all Support players being about 15% of the playerbase. And DPS+Tanks being the other 85%.

The math doesn’t Support the idea of getting Support anywhere close to 40%, much less 25% by buffing Non-Aggressive Support players.

With Mercy kinda being the exception to all that.

They exist, there’s just not enough of them unless you’re counting on it almost exclusively coming from people who don’t currently play Overwatch.

And somehow don’t pull in DPS/Tank players while doing that.

It’s kinda like the idea that they could get enough Tank players by making Tanks more into MMORPG style Tanks in OW1.