Have you ever dealt with a boosted player before? What was it like?

But like actually though… Mercy is a great pick… If you’re a smart player. But mercy is also NOT a great pick, if you’re a smart player…

Mercy is not always good.

For example, the amount of time you get to damage boost is a function of how well your tanks play (they need to not take lots of HP damage), not to mention that people can also not take the 1v2 vs your Ashe + Mercy pocket and hide more.

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Maybe you don’t deserve your rank. Lots of hungry people down at <500 who would sell their life for a chance at silver. I can’t stand priviledge. Rank is subjective - you gitgud struggling in the swamps or you don’t gitgud at all.

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Lol… You’re not entirely wrong… Sometimes I get completely steamrolled in my games.

But I always default to… What should I have done differently? Why did I let that happen??

But I started Overwatch at 1100 SR. I have no desire to go back. Privileged or not.

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A lot of players get boosted because you can float around low GM playing Mercy, Moira, or any number of those easy support heroes. It was most common back in the OG Brig/Mercy Valk era. People would pay boosters to rank up to around 4-4.1k and sit there playing support - some occasionally dropping to masters.

I’d assume it’s less common now due to role queue but I wouldn’t be too sure.

Back in the old OW days with Mercys old ultimate, they got boosted really high and so many masters-gm players inspect one of these player profiles and they were plat 1 or 2 seasons ago. I don’t know was it a “paid” boost or just because of the old rez.

Remembering once a Genji in my team which had his career high on almost master, and was ranked 3.4k SR currently. Great, lets go Ana. 2 nanos and 0 nano assists later, with having 2kills myself which was gold btw … i was really wondering, how in the world was this guy…a genji main btw…almost master ?

No reasonable explanation other then either, he is boosted?, or his lil brother liked to play when big bro was not at home (lol).

The skill disparity can be sometimes really, really wide. U get one Cree which keeps double tapping your team, while blue Cree tries seriously to rightclick a slept enemy. Like what? Both are around 2.9k SR obviously … but its just not understandable how one is doing gods work, and the other plays like a low gold player.

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Yup, had a boosted Rein in mid diamond once.
he was so insanely bad, and for some reason had an open profile which showed he was low gold the former season.

Knowing this as a team, we literally shotcalled his every move, told him to unbind charge, when to hold shield, when to swing, where to stand, how to recharge shield, when to move in or fall back and where to hold - macro and micro managed him - the comms revolved around him and we won.

he still messed up every shatter (We told him things like: “we open with bob and then we use shatter” - but he misunderstood that as shattering instantly after bob and not as “these are the ults we are using for this fight” - so we always had to burn an extra ult to pay it off…

He still died alot and it was horrible, but the rest of the team managed to boost him some more due to being communicative and supportive. We all avoided him after anyways.

i had a boosted mercy who tried to make improbable res (and with no super jump obv) on one of my game. I tried to charge as soon as someone die wherever he was to shield the res. We won.

I think it’s hard to tell for sure unless someone has an open profile or they are in a group. If you are tilted for example you can easily have a bad game and make it seem like you are playing 1000 SR or more below your average.

I sometimes see open profiles where the SR difference between roles is 1500 or more. I am really not sure how that is even possible without either being boosted in the high SR role or throwing in the other role(s).

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I’m in <500 so basically everyone should be auto-boosting hard-carrying me by sheer osmosis.

Everyone in my games should be coaching me and reviewing my vods for me and explaining why I broke their backs and why I’m at the rank I belong in for 4+ years now.

At this point I would feel boosted if I ever got to 700. That said, I’ve seen people <500 who don’t belong that high up.

Yeah, I did… Me.

I was testing a way to abuse the matchmaker as a way of testing a balancing theory, and ended up WAY WAY WAY outside my normal SR range. (Abusing Mercy’s general lack of impact as it happens)

It was a lot of loses in a row, and it took AGES to get the MMR system to stabilise down afterwards.

My games were TOTALLY all over the place for ages afterwards.

I’m going to say one thing, and I don’t know if it applies to you but for low ranks, fight around corners.

Seriously, I don’t know why everyone stands out in the open like you all do, but please, for the love of god, pick a corner and fight around it.

I’d be honored to review some of your games though.

Also low bronze is legit super hard to get out of, because the mix of players is SO random that games are mostly luck or smurfs.

The number of people who get out of Bronze, and go straight to Plat is crazy

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That doesn’t sound like a good working, fit-for-purpose ladder design now does it?

It breaks in Bronze.

Bronze is just a total mess.

Silver and above it works, but Bronze? Nope it is just broken there.


Yes, my friend was frequently boosting players. Its the worst, because account is smurfing and then badicly throwing because owned will suffer at higher rank.

Pretty much all players he boosted dropped back btw.


Can you explain what this means?

I was placed in games WELL outside of where I should be constantly. It was crazy.

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Reminded me of an incident

Numbani game in Gold, diamond border gold player queue with 3 fresh accs that outclasses our team. As soon as we saw 3 new acc unranked its pretty obvious some boosting is going on, we got into a game with them some matches later and they openly admitted to it in voice

Honestly, SR is busted.

If you can’t place in the top 5-10%… it’s basically meaningless.

The system is so corrupt with boosted accts, smurfs and alts. 2000-3000 is just a rank. And you can have 2900 players who are much worse than a 2000 player on your team.

Only if you can get past the “noise” of the mid ranks does the SR even mean anything. It’s simply not accurate.

I have 2 accts and for different roles for both accts , they are 500+ SR apart. And I get harder games on the lower SR account.

(I play between 2300-2800 on all roles).

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In a Plat game a Support who get boosted currently by a Tracer. THe Support was total trsh and my whole team got rolled, but the Tracer managed to 1vs6 this somehow

The booster was extremely toxic, saying the whole time things like “You are trash, go Brig to do atleast something with your low Skill!”