Have this as an experimental

Rewind the time to January 2017

A time where players didnt have to play with Doomfist, Orisa, Sigma, Hammond, Moira, Echo, Ashe, Baptiste, Brig, Ana, Sombra

A time where Overwatch was fun

However, some players might hate the idea, because it will bring back one thing


If we could, we can balance the older overwatch to be better. like making scatter deal max 250 damage

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What’s wrong with Orisa

Nothing, people seem to hate her.

Well that’s not very nice of them

Orisa is just a baby


Orisa is my friend


I don’t really see people hating on Orisa, so we can really keep like Ana, Sombra and Orisa since after that Doom is added.

I like your idea and would love to play old OW again And I find it funny how you didn’t even mention Brig and Bap like it’s a given and you also forgot Ashe

If I named every hero post Jan 2017, the post would have over 50% hero names

Nostalgia glasses. Reverting the game to 2017 won’t make things better.


Thats why we stick it in Experimental


Well this would bring back galaxy hook and Hog hook combo being even stronger. :smiling_imp:

The good days of easily being pulled into a death pit as hog fell to his death.

Or coming back from spawn getting hook threw a wall. Good ole days for Hog


She’s hot though bro.

she is one year old??? !!!

She’s a robot. Who acts and talks like a fully grown woman. It is not comparable.

i have never seen orisa as a fully grown personality. she always seems like an oversized puppy to me

Not just scatter, but Shield gen/old TP, Torb armor packs and level 3 turret, but I think the worst of them all…

Mass rez.

People would be crying their eyes out if this got readded.

(Not counting current ExP, mass rez isn’t the same on there.)

Which is why we slightly balance the old to be slightly better

Rewind it a little further so I can have Fan the Hammer that does 70 damage per shot.