🤔 Have There Ever Been Reverts?

they kinda reverted Mercy by nerfing her healing I guess


They reverted some nerfs to Ana’s grenade awhile back.

They need to revert Symmetra.


They reverted Mercy’s 50% dps boost in PTR.

But a full play-style revert? Never.

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They just did one with Mei.

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Never fully. And they never should fully, because if there was a problem then, you will just run into it again.


The reverted half of the lucio ease of use changes/all the nerfs so actual lucio players don’t abandon him (sombra on the other hand though…)

Ahhh I was unaware or that. Ok that’s a revert.

I’ve sort of heard of that. I always assumed that was more of a tweak and not really a full on revert but that kinda counts cause it is a take back of sorts.

That seems to be the consensus, minor take backs but not full on reverts. Which is odd cause you would think reverts would be super easy and fix more than hurt.

I agree but you gotta admit at least a couple heroes would benefit from a Do over.

Oh they were making him to easy to use? And poor Sombra she may as well get a reBOOT.

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To clarify, these were just changes on the ptr as I recall. There has been no live revert for Ana, unless you would call getting a piece of her damage back.

Useless? what are you on about? He still spams chokes and kill everyone. TBH its quite a justified nerf, lowered down his trash dmg, he is still good
(just like everyone talks about mercy, she is fine>…<)

Yah I wouldn’t include PTR changes as actual reverts until it’s on the Live servers. In my opinion it has to be the same number as a previous Live version as well.

The changes to Doomfist’s right click hitbox were a partial revert?

Not directly once a change goes live. There have been stuff like Lucio and Sombra where parts of the changes that see huge amounts of backlash have been reverted. And there have been changes like Mercy’s healing which come in much later, so it doesn’t really count as a revert.

They’ve never directly reverted a change during the testing period (1 - 3 months after release).

I actually agree with this as well. Something like reverting Sym or bringing back scatter those are legit reverts.

If spamming is all it takes to net good results then everyone would wanna play as him over the likes of Hanzo.

The nerf made him unnecessarily difficult to play, as you have to struggle twice as hard as any hero to score kills and actually be beneficial to your teammate.

Not only that Rat cant really survive in this snipe/stun meta as it’s called lately. It’s gotten to a point where I’ll be sniped IN SPAWN and that hardly ever happened Pre Bridge.

Basically my point is Rat is not spam to win least not anymore. I have spammed many many times and you may score a kill or two but it’s better to go on the aggressive and actually utilize skill to net kills, but it’s so painful to do so as the odds are so against you.

Your frags cant even hit someone square on front of your face anymore. This whole midrange nonsense is just absurd. If a mercy or a baby dva can kill me from across the map I should be able to do so up close and personal.

Ehhhh sort of counts. It is a slight take back.

That seems to be the consensus. Little tweaks here and there, maybe a big change in PTR but no full on resets.

That’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.

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I dont play as her but shes definitely mixed still. Do you like how she is currently?

My friend is a hard Sym main and he adores her kit. He’s carrying most of the games we are in as her. I feel like with the right player, she becomes amazing.

  • Mercy’s healing is being reverted to the original healing.
  • Mei’s Icicle falloff damage was removed just like how it was in beta.

The ana grenades nerf was reverted.
The Mercy healing beam buff was reverted.
Many of Sombra nerfs on the PTR was reverted (the translocator beeping AoE and detection range).
Mei’s icecicle nerf was reverted.

And many others on the PTR. Some of them never went live.

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They reverted 50% refund of McCree’s ult on cancel. :older_man: Pepperidge Farm remembers.