Have reaper’s shots ignore yellow armor and do direct dmg

reaper* that is a very important difference.
And that is a problem, which is why reaper should have the advantage, but not the EZ win. Ignoring armor is EZ win. REDUCING effectiveness, is advantage. See what im saying?

I’d say make it so that instead of Reaper doing 50% damage against armor, he should 80% against armor.



why do people keep thinking one specific change to one thing will fix reaper?

it’s not just shadowstep. it’s not just armor.


The problem is that Reaper only destroys tanks when they’re completely out of position or in a 1v1 situation. As long as they have a proper backline, Reaper won’t be able to do anything else than shoot at the shield or flank.

He has shotguns and his weakness is range and open areas, which is already a lot. I also agree that armor could be used against Reaper to reduce his effectiveness, but the game has reached a point, where armor can stack to ridiculous amounts which negates Reaper to the point of unplayability.


Yeah that’s fair.
Make a full ignore is too much.

armor + large hp pools + constant healing / burst healing

he can’t do enough quick enough


Also, Reaper shotguns can calculate fractional hitpoints of damage.

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Large HP pools and Healing aren’t any more a problem for Reaper than any other damage hero. Less so since he can deal more damage in a single shot than anything short of a Repair Kit + Biotic Grenade. That’s his theoretical advantage over heroes like Tracer, Sombra, and Soldier when going up against high sustain.

He has more than enough potential damage. The problem is his pellets turning in to marshmallows outside of sneezing range, which is more than easy for a lot of heroes to stay out of.

I agree that Reaper should have a stronger impact against enemies with armor, but not just downright ignore armor entirely. I think Reaper’s damage should be calculated as a flat 140 damage per shot, then calculated by how many pellets actually hit and how far away the target was.

Right now he does 140 with all pellets hitting and 42 if all pellets (somehow through some miracle) hit a target passed 20m.

His damage is calculated as 7 damage per pellet with 20 pellets. This is what screws him with armor. Armor halves each pellet’s damage, thus halving his damage output.

What I believe could fix him is that he does an immediate 140 damage if all pellets hit up close. Armor will then reduce it to 135 damage. If he only hits half his pellets up close, then he’ll do 70 flat damage, 65 against armor. They could even nerf his damage to 125 per shot, and increase pellet count to 25. Maybe even reduce his self-healing a bit.

How does everyone feel about this? Would this make him broken even with the damage nerf?

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i still think they should tighten his spread a bit and halve the pellet count and double the damage of each pellet

20 --> 10
7 --> 14

note this isn’t too unrealistic either. i think buckshot irl has 8 pellets

We should just give him what the other tank shredders have: quick dmg

A quick fire SlugShotgun round that shoots around 4 or 6 of them that has high dmg but is 1 bullet

We don’t want any more storm arrow abilities in the game thank you very much.

His weakness is against any hero that can deal decent damage at long range. His strength should be against tanks, big large targets that by the most part struggle at dealing damage at long range meaning that heroes like Reaper can get into their faces easily.

It’s funny Jeff has stated that he has to mainly play dps because most players at Blizzard play either tank or support, I feel like there is bias in the dev team and the forums, armor is given to tanks which is designed to counter the heroes that should be good against them.

I’m pretty sure Geoff has admitted he mains Road and Rein. He’s also head of balance. What a coincidence

It’s a sad day when roadhog can actually get away with hooking reaper closer to him lmao

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This was funny to me but I totally agree with what you said

is it bad this made me laugh

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He practically does. Armor (usually) reduces the damage of a hit by 5. This makes characters like Tracer much worse against it and characters like Reaper much better against it. His problem isn’t damage, it’s that his kit doesn’t support him well enough imo.

I just want a better visual effect for when Reaper uses Death Blossom.