Have devs said what they want to do with Supports recently?

They said very little, most likely because they have no clue. They don’t even know for sure what they will be doing for Tank and DPS for sure, just that they decided to do 5v5 and Tanks will be more DPS focused.

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Moira I agree with, Brig is still pretty good.

Brig relies too much on your team not being stupid. No support is more feast or famine more than brig.

That’s pretty much every support.

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(Didn’t used to be.)

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I think ana bap brig are top tier right now followed by mercy lucio zen then moira at rock bottom

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Your just saying no. Something must have been mentioned. (Even if the whole was avoided.)

Pretty much all they said is that Lucio Boop and Ana Sleep dart aren’t going away.

Also the regen passive.

That’s about it

Oh, and some people suspect Ana might be able to headshot

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Bap, zen, Moira, and brig are supports where doing damage is necessary to get value on. Sym was im the support category but was removed, Sombra actually could be considered as a “support” now that I thought about it

To the point I have seen people like BlameTC adding the buff to his personal testing 5v5. (Which has a lot of di

Honestly I am still spectacular about 5v5.