Hate messages and death threats from cheating

We’re not talking about a molester or a murderer here. We’re talking about someone who cheated in a videogame. One which isn’t really known for it’s “competitive” credentials, I might add. Death threats are way over the line.


I hate to break it to you but using these pity excuses (which prob aint true at all even) doesnt change the fact that you’re banned.

You did this to yourself by cheating in a videogame & got caught, creating yet another thread about it wont help you about this either. Stop crying about it & move on.

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No, like I said: ‘some people will inevitably go too far and that’s not okay’.

But that’s just how humans are, so you can’t do a lot about it unless you want to to turn the world into a police state. The thing is, if you cheat, you should be aware that such things can happen. And it’s not like ‘not cheating’ is a difficult thing to do, is it?

OP also never outright states that he didn’t cheat. He always words it in such a way that it’s dubious as hell, which really doesn’t help his case.


I bet all the people on the enemy team while you were cheating also wish they could have enjoyed their game.


Set your account settings so that you can only get messages from friends and problem solved

And just block people who harass


Jeff himself went to call him out for cheating

You shouldn’t even be playing still. You’re ban avoiding.


Tell that to the people making the death threats. Everyone here is just saying they don’t care, no sympathy for a cheater.


And within that game’s community, this person is now viewed as an outcast, a betrayer, and a criminal. He’s broken the community’s most dearly-held laws and committed the most heinous offense possible within that community. He was kicked out of the community and told to never return. If he returns to the community, why should he expect anything but hostility?

Death threats are wrong, but I have little sympathy to spare for someone like this. There are other people who deserve my sympathy far more. Like, for example, the people who did nothing wrong, had to put up with his cheating and had their competitive matches ruined by it.


Yeah, it’s time for him to go to another game and stop playing this one. Ban evasion is against TOS anyway isn’t it?

Streamers do it all the time so no?

It should be, but its not

Not while streaming, no. They’d just get banned again… because then they’d know the account lol.

Ah but you’re forgetting, pro players and streamers are of a higher plane than us mortals and thus are exempt from paltry rules

Oh yes they totally do while streaming

Many times XQC got banned and he streamed on his alt just fine

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Because alt accounts gud

According to blizzard at least.

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Ban evasion is against TOS, but Blizzard doesn’t care if you’re a streamer.


Obviously they do care, or they wouldn’t be handing out bans to those streamers.

Except for the part where its just on one of their accounts.

The bans tend to come in the form of the automated report system. When it comes to Streamers and high level players, if one account gets banned they literally just swap to a new account. The new account isn’t getting banned, despite it being a clear violation of the ToS.

Understandably, there is a huge technical issue for banning all of one person’s account without damaging the accounts of anyone else in the household or even in the building. But the streamers tend to flaunt the alt accounts in the face of the game.

So u mean in a place where people get unfair results and rewards by circumventing the established system in an rule-breaking way is not morally condemnable for life until proven reformation?

How soft and mindlessly-forgiving has our society become.

People do that in their own volition, and helping either side in this situation is a mistake.

This is a form of morally condemn btw, and it should be started/supported from an anthority figure actually.