Hate messages and death threats from cheating

still don’t get it why you want to fool the overwatch dev team when you’re clearly breaking the rule ?


Firstly, why do we have a system where banned players can still access the forums? Secondly, why did you post a SS of your entire desktop screen with your discord in the background to show your ban email. Have you never heard of cropping? Thirdly, literally just change your username if you’re getting death threats and block the people who’ve already messaged you. Finally, you got caught lying about hacking. I don’t believe in public shaming but I’m also not going to try and control other people’s view of you. If the majority despise hackers, you’re in for a bad one.


Another question. Why on Earth are you still playing competitive matches on other accounts when you got banned for hacking?


I wanted to mention this too.

I don’t agree with death threats, though.


I’ve never heard of you


Are you the dude that Jeff K called out for having cheats?

Here’s the deal. Like actually. If you didn’t cheat, like for real didn’t cheat, and you can show some kind of proof of that, you need to. I’m aware that isn’t necessarily easy. That said, Blizzard has been known to catch overlays and even some recording programs (among other things) that don’t actually alter your performance in any way and ban you because they touch the game files. If you’re using something like that, then that may have been what got you banned. Blizzard has incorrectly banned people for stuff like this before, and Jeff himself has been BTFO’d for making false claims about people’s punishments on the forum before (IIRC, he got called out for lying about a Torbjorn one trick getting mass-reported and suspended falsely). Just because a developer says you cheated doesn’t mean you did. I’d like to believe that Blizzard is accurate and responsible on this stuff, but… well, history shows otherwise.


If you did cheat… well, tough, sorry, but it’s a fair punishment that you get banned. You probably shouldn’t be posting about it on alts if you did. That said, if you are legitimately getting death threats and harassment, then I think you have a strong argument against Blizzard there. I wouldn’t exactly say what Jeff did was right. If, as he believed, you cheated, the thread should’ve been locked/deleted (as is standard for threads discussing punishments), and they should’ve privately messaged you. Jeff’s response represented a sizable divergence from standard practice, and I find that leaving it open for people to ridicule you was not appropriate :man_shrugging: Jeff basically invited and incited harassment against you. You deserve the ban if you cheated, but not the rest. If you did cheat, and again this requires real honesty on your part, and you’re now being harassed because Jeff K decided it’d be funny to roast you on the forums and then leave the thread open, then perhaps you should focus on that and not trying to claim you didn’t cheat. Again, that’s if you did cheat.

Until then, just report people harassing you/sending you death threats. That might be the best you can do, especially if you’re actually innocent but can’t prove it.


This happened 11 days ago.


So you got exposed for what you are and are mad at the consequences? Why is anyone supposed to feel sorry for you again? Just gonna hit you with the trending phrase at the moment:

You get what you deserve


As someone else said in the thread…

you reap what you sow…


Same thing happens IRL if youre a criminal…should have thought about consequences before you did it…you have to live with it now.


He cheated, he got banned. The punishment has been served.

Getting death threats and hatemail about it is nuts.


How is cheating on a video game the equivalent to getting death threats? That is like me saying you deserve death threats for your apathy. It makes literally no sense.

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He literally just said that he’s still playing competitive on multiple accounts. His punishment has not been “served”.

Though, I agree that death threats isn’t the right course of action. At all.


I don’t think anyone condones that behavior, but they’re not going to protect a cheater from it either. Plus he’s still playing, circumventing their punishment. Obviously doesn’t care so why should we?


Why should we believe you. You lied in your other thread.


Yeah, people saying that “you reap what you sow” and “this is how it is in real life” are taking it a little too far IMO. This is a game. At worst, he cheated in a video game. That does not deserve continual harassment and death threats. Folks are acting like he committed murder or something.

What’s really astonishing to me is that, if this is the dude I think it is, it was a Blizzard dev who essentially incited this by roasting him then leaving the thread open for people to mock him when standard procedure is just to lock threads talking about punishments (it’s in the CoC for crying out loud). Even if he did cheat (I’m really not super familiar with the dude so I don’t know if he did nor not), that kind of behavior from a developer is flat out unacceptable, and honestly, if the dude incurs some kind of real life consequence as a result of it, probably starts moving into legal territory.

I really hope you keep getting harassed in your other accounts trying to circumvent your punishment. Hackers have no place in overwatch or any online game

Just NOT death threats

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Oh look, you named yourself after the pandemic. I bet you’re an absolute delight.

Look, if you hacked in an online game, it’s time to slink away in shame and go do something else. Playing on other accounts is ban evasion and is itself bannable anyway.


We’re not talking about a molester or a murderer here. We’re talking about someone who cheated in a videogame. One which isn’t really known for it’s “competitive” credentials, I might add. Death threats are way over the line.


I hate to break it to you but using these pity excuses (which prob aint true at all even) doesnt change the fact that you’re banned.

You did this to yourself by cheating in a videogame & got caught, creating yet another thread about it wont help you about this either. Stop crying about it & move on.

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No, like I said: ‘some people will inevitably go too far and that’s not okay’.

But that’s just how humans are, so you can’t do a lot about it unless you want to to turn the world into a police state. The thing is, if you cheat, you should be aware that such things can happen. And it’s not like ‘not cheating’ is a difficult thing to do, is it?

OP also never outright states that he didn’t cheat. He always words it in such a way that it’s dubious as hell, which really doesn’t help his case.