Has the dev team forgotten about pharah?

She’s been nothing but gutted since forever. Ashe, baptiste, hanzo rework, etc… basically every single balance change has been an indirect nerf to her. This mccree change is just rubbing salt in the eyes. She can no longer double direct a mccree… why?

I just want to play my favorite hero :frowning:


Ngl, I forgot Pharah was in the game until this post.


Whats a Pharah?

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Genji got buffed recently, maybe pharah can get one like that as well.


Lol. All from today

She does need a buff to stay viable. I would argue she needs:

Tighter hitbox

50 shields

Horizontal airspeed increased by 20%

Can move at 30% speed during her ult

Projectile speed increase a small amount

Immunity from her own explosions, seeing as pretty much every hero has this.

All of these would only make her slightly more viable in the face of so many strong hitscans and Hanzo.

She’s still quite effective but you have to play her differently than 2016-2019. Biggest issue is taking too much skybox and expecting a hard pocket. I get how Pharmercy is almost mandatory and they need to design away from that and enable Pharah to operate alone and with less ‘air only’.

In playtesting I’ve seen pharah/sombra work a lot because Pharah can live off the land better with healthpacks and hacked tanks. The hammond/sombra/pharah synergy is still real. I’ve seen zarya + zen or ana work for the dive heals and bubbles to keep her airtime up. You also see Pharah work anytime someone else on your team is just that disruptive - meaning enemy can’t simultaneously deal with e.g. a builder or doomfist or etc… AND that pharah.

Overall, the good pharahs still find a way and basically just use her ult as a bait for shutdown resources - basically setting someone else up for pog.

I’m assuming self-replenishing shields on pharah would probably help her uptime as well, and diminishing the returns from hard-pocketing.

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Problem is she is fairly visible all the time and doesn’t have much in the way of common supports now that Ana and Zen arent as popular to play compared to say Baptiste.

She needs something to make her less bulky sense she has a huge hitbox and maybe some speed buffs because as it stands she is an easy target for widow or Hanzo to smash out of the sky in a single hit.

They need to remove some of her fly uptime and give her more lateral movement and the ability to drop down quicker.

So she’ll be up in the air less, but have more mobility and speed. And be much less dependent on Mercy.

Frankly playing her should feel like playing quake. She flies at a snail’s pace and is such an easy target. If some character needed a juke it would be her.

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I’m a masters pharah man, I know how to play her, that’s not the point. Yes, you can still carry games. Does that change anything, prove that she’s good? Nope

Dafran is an insane soldier, and can dominate games with them. Does that make soldier a good hero? Nope.


She just got an indirect buff with the Cree changes.

She did not. She used to be able to outplay a mccree by double directing him. now, she cannot.

I like the idea of an aerial juke maybe decrease the boop knockback/radius on enemies, but not herself, and also decrease it’s cd so she can fling herself around.

I mean at some point you have to realize with power creep heroes can’t have it all. Tuning for more uptime and solo agency would have to settle on EITHER: mobility, or airtime, or regen, or etc., but not AND.

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His slower firerate is easier for Mercy to help her live through.

You don’t always have a mercy, though.

No. But let’s face it, a lot of their viability is tied into each other. Pharah’s viability is hugely reliant on Mercy. And Mercy also is dependent on a small group of dps for hers, particularly the snipers and Pharah. Because she’s essentially just a dps pocket.

I honestly think they should tweak the both to be less powerful together and give them the buffs they need to play well independently. Nerf Mercy’s damage boost or Valk and up her healing back to 60 so she can main heal again. Give Pharah some armor and some splash damage back but reduce her airborne healing. That kind of thing. Maybe not necessarily those changes in particular, but something.

You shouldn’t have to be dependant on mercy as much. Her kit is pretty out dated so I’m hoping a rework is coming.

I would not call dying to bodyshots 0.2 sec slower in exchange for having to land a THIRD direct rocket for a kill or 4 to 5 max splash rockets an indirect buff :s