Has Jeff given up on mercy?

Yes… but at the same time Res was turned into a skill that didn’t require earning, you can do 4 instant tempo res, res average was triple or quadrupled and Mercy shot up by 5% picked rate and since then it has been a desperate attempt to try and fix thier own mistakes without doing a revert.

It’s on long cooldown, it has counter play and it requires proper cost-risk analysis to do successfully. What the hell is “4 instant tempo res”? You can only rez one person.

The current support changes are in the right direction. Maybe Mercy will need another nerf if she is still over-tuned, maybe not. My indication is that she is fine now.

yeah they replied and said she is fine, and now we are here with another nerf, so what’s the point of bringing that up now?

Just because you don’t understand that arguement doesn’t mean other people who play her don’t understand it.

You need to have mained her for 2 years to understand how boring she is right now. Right now, she truly is boring and low skill, that’s what 50 hps done to her. If anyone says she is “more skillful” now, they obviously haven’t played her for longer than 10min.

Res is, Idk idc for res, but the healing nerf has made her very unfun.

That’s in regard to reverting her back to mass rez.

Mass rez was never op, otherwise she would have been played more on higher tiers and in pro matches.
Just because you didn’t like it, doesn’t make it OP

Oh? Then please enlighten me why the flying f*** was dva reworked so much? Especially right before getting her rockets, she wasn’t unbalanced then. Or how about hog and his hook? Symmetra’s gun? Mercy’s mass res (LOL). Hanzo’s scatter. Brig’s stun cd nerf.

I feel like I am forgetting something, man there have been so much balance changes for the sake of balance I just, Idk man.

uhm I think you might wanted to reply to someone else…

Probably, ill check.

I’m not saying mass rez itself was OP, I’m saying that Mercy was OP all-together in relation to other supports at the time. That’s a friggin big difference. Ana is more effective then Mercy when you have perfect mechanical skill. That’s not the case for the large amount of the OW population. Dive was only applicable in high tiers of competitive and pro play. This doesn’t apply for a large percentage of the OW population where Mercy was still a main pick.

Maybe because she was really strong? Blizzard literally showed a graph with her having a really high winrate and the highest pickrate in literally every tier of competitive play.

Hog original hook combo was broken.

Symmetra’s gun? What about it? They couldn’t make any real changes to her without removing the tracking part of it. Mercy’s mass rez was broken and unhealthy hence its removal. Same with Scatter hour - it wasn’t working as intended. You could literally one-shot a tank with it. Brig only required one second nerf, her second stun nerf was to cater to all the Brig’s haters.

Literally all those changes were well thought out and implemented, don’t see where the issue is.

Mercy was always boring,the hold m1 and spam shift when you are getting shot at bot…

No Mercy all together was not OP even with Mass rez

Her healing never was a problem, Lucio and Zen were meta for some time, Ana was the go to pick for some time too, before being nerfed, still being a good pick.
Mercy never was a must have on the team until her rework

Statistics, win rate and pickrate tell a different story if you bothered to research back in the day.

Again, dive was only dominant in the highest tiers of competitive play. This is a small percentage of players. Mercy was still the to-go support if you want to win and have consistency for the large amount of OW population. This sky-rocketed when Valkyrie was introduced. The fact that Valkyrie was over-tuned doesn’t mean mass rez wasn’t bad and unhealthy for the game. Blizzard choice in removing it supports this claim.

Dva when she got her armor to 400 was broken. Dva when she got her health to 400 armor to 200 was not broken. She was what she is now. She was tankier, with more defence matrix. Now she is less tankier less defence matrix more dmg. But either way she is the dive off tank you use. People complained about defense matrix, they didn’t complain about her being OP. That’s why she was changed.

Symmetra’s gun could have stayed the same, they could have reworked the dmg the way it is now, why did they remove the aim lock? Because they wanted “moar skill!”, everyone says how low skill and unfun symmetra is so there you have a new gun that you have to track.

Original, hook was not broken. It was broken when they changed the distance that the target gets hooked infront of the hog (because he could one shot zarya) but before that buff his hook was perfectly fine, just bugged. The dmg on his gun was fine, there was no reason what so ever to rework him, yet they did because “whaaa I am getting one shot it’s not fun!”. The excuse was “he is not suppose to be flanking!” but then let’s buff his E so we can make him do it more. Flanking hog is still very much a thing.

Scatter, shooting at someone’s feet and getting a kill, sure not working as intended but it was balanced none the less. Not working as intended since release but yet left alone, I don’t remember them ever nerfing or buffing it. They left it alone for so long because they knew it’s the only way hanzo got kills, so they decided to rework it so they don’t ruin the hero and please the people calling it “unfun”

For brig I am talking about her latest nerf, with the 7s. That was unnecessary yet they did it. You say haters, why are haters haters? They have to hate her for a reason. They find brig a low skill hero that ruins their fun. That’s why they hate her.

  1. Mercy Pre-2.0 rework was actually a hero that had to Heal and charge up an ultimate (Resource meter) and earn her ultimate. Usually the recharge takes more than 30 seconds and even then, most Mercy’s actually clutch their ultimates and will not use them due to the chances of counter ultimate. We tend to tab and monitor what ults are ready and has or haven’t been used. There is nothing worst than casting an ultimate but then getting caught in a counter ultimate and getting re-wiped.

  2. The current Resurrect works on a freebie basis, every 30 seconds after use, Mercy can get it. There is no need to ‘Earn’ the ability meaning you don’t have to make the extra effort to go out of your way to heal everyone and gain ult charge.

  3. The Original Release version of Mercy had a Die on Res feature. Blizzard actually stated that it was never a good idea to have Mercy sacrifice herself for her ultimate. What use to happen was that Mercy would cast res, die but give her team a second chance, but at the same time, they had to fight without a main support. Invulnerable was introduce and that lead to the frustration we all felt during the 1.0 era when Mercy would never die during the casting of Resurrect and most DPS/Tanks tend to ignore Mercy and will not deal with the root of the problem.

  4. Despite the claims we will never revert or go back on a decision, Blizzard actually reverted Mercy from an invulnerable state to a die on res state, requiring that she always has protection or res behind a wall. It is more or less admitting to the fact that Mercy, in her original release was in a suitable state since there was a cost to using Resurrect as a Ultimate (Her life in exchange for a second chance)

  5. Version 2.0 on the PTR and Version 2.1 was the original release of Mercy in her reworked state. The moment she goes Valkyrie, she had 4 charges of Resurrect. Originally we would clutch our Resurrects and will not use it unless deemed it necessary to do so and even if we did it was for a 2~3 man res on average. With version 2.1, Mercy could cast res without concern. Allowing up to 4 instant tempo res that tripled and quadruple the res average value for the average Mercy from (6 for average Mercy/12~15 for Mercy’s like EeveeA, to about 18~24 Res per game, which was around 40% of the deaths in each match.)

  6. Mass Res was never the issue, Tempo res was a bigger issue because rather than waiting for the impossible 5 man deaths (because players will not willingly die in a neat pile for you, unless they are graviton surged…), most Mercy’s would do a tempo of 2~3 man res but they had to consider when to use it. With 2.0/2.1 Mercy could res up to 4 times with no need to earn those res. With version 2.3 that went live, she could do it roughly 2~3 times instant and with version 2.4/3.0 to the current 3.2… Mercy could only do 1 res with a heavy handicap, because Res as a Skill is a Bad Concept, because it is too powerful in potential

No, the other Supports still needs a buff, because they still cannot compete with Mercy on the basis of being a suitable replacement as a Consistent Main healer. They are too specific in their roles and qualities which renders them to be a situational/sub healer in the majority of cases unless you have divine mechanical skills or superior game sense and skills.

The role of the support is to enhance their teams Performance and to keep their fights going. Not to hit and miss as Ana, not to run out of resource as Moira and obviously, they cannot be slow at HPS, forcing team mates to abandon their fights for health pack and self healing methods.

People will flex back onto Mercy because she is far too versatile, they have to nerf her HARDCORE to effectively kill her chances of being picked. People aren’t picking her right now because they are either bored with her or they do not consider her as being useful right now.

But arguably, Mercy is still better as a Healer than the other supports as she is reliable and consistent with her Healing Support.

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We’ve got four options (because I’m talking 1.0)
1 one of them had a very solid pickrate after they got buffed and then minor nerfs, (Zen)
One was a must pick for like 2 seasosn before they changed the way the aura worked (Lucio)
Also both of them were technically off healers, most people below diamond believe a “main” healer is mandatory

So Mercy has 1 true competitor
Ana = Very High Skill Floor (so she won’t make any really good power until at least plat)
Ana = requires skills that anyone below plat would rather have dedicated to dealign with even sub par pharahs
Ana = was gutted and then had pretty much all the meta picks be a counter to her.

Suddenly it dosen’t look like Mercy’s problem huh? Like I said D lister according to the pro’s but an extremely high skill floor making her competition almost unplayable.

THere’s a reason we’ got 2 sets of Buffs to Mercy in 1.0 before one wrong buff began encouraging a really crappy mindset

Stop digging your own grave, mate. If you’d actually bothered to look at said stats, you’d have shut up a loooooong time ago.

If you believe that Blizzard inherently make good calculated changes based on quality data then yes, I can see how you would believe that. But the 6 months of having Mercy as a must-pick and super overpowered as a result of the rework that people weren’t asking for but Blizzard decided to implement anyways, tells a different story. Blizzard do not make good decisions, and they don’t admit failure. And when quality data proves that they made a poor decision they do nothing about it for a long, long time, and even then they don’t admit their mistakes.

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Well, they did eventually admit their mistakes regarding WoW…
But in general, yes. Blizzard has a very hard time admitting any wrongdoing on their part.

AoE Rez, but with:

  • A 1 second cast time
  • Reduce the 15 meter range down to 12 (same as Lucio’s aura)
  • LoS restricted (cannot cast through walls)
  • Invulerability removed, and traded for an AoE 100hp burst heal for living allies (and Mercy) at the end of the cast so Mercy doesn’t have to “let teammates die” in order to use rez effectivly.

There. Mass rez is no longer OP and all the problems about it have been fixed. It’s now a midfight ult like Sound Barrier or Trancendence.