Has forced 2-2-2 changes resulted into long queues?

I stopped playing DPS because of queue times. Now I don’t take the game seriously at all because even with 222 the games are still heavily lopsided most of the time so when you get in a game, it’s likely you will either role over the other team or they will role over you. Lack of choice also makes it less enjoyable.

About 1/3 of the games, if that, are really enjoyable. By enjoyable, for me that means a fight. I actually could care less if I win or lose if the game is fun.

The frustrations I had before 222 still exists, with added ones such as you don’t have the flexibility to counter and it comes with longer Queue times.

So I think overall it is worse off but that is just my opinion.

Uh there was a survey a while ago (a week or two) where the role queue results were like
Yes 45%
I don’t mind 30%
No 25%
Not accurate but it was something like that

need more tank chars in the game, sigma was fun and he got nerfed to the ground because he was always played with orisa …

to be honest i think even if it had the old playerbase it would be just as bad since dps players were always more than any other group and since the dps catagory just has more possibilities, the only difference i could imagine would be people knowing what they are letting themselves into, instead of it coming this late and a lot of people had to use to it

You are the one that has claimed a majority/minority so it’s up to you to provide your “evidence”, not me

You are not the first to say this. Spoiler alert, we are not the same person.


squints suspiciously


but basically every form of everything show people play 222, what do you consider “valid”?

Like is jeff showing 65%ish of time spent is in role queue modes compared to nearly 15% for non-222 modes not enough?

What about every poll taken shows what jeff said, like if you just won’t accept any data at all, unless it’s under, I am guessing extremely specific terms, just say so.

People like it enough to play it 4x more, except in korea and there is a bit more in console, but only a few % difference. If they didn’t they would be playing the non-222 modes wouldn’t they?

Be careful what you wish for, healers ever since the initial three concentrate on supporting less and less.

A bit, yeah. But I think it’s balanced by the fact that at the end of the queue, you get to DPS every time. Versus going into a game and not having a tank and being forced to tank instead of whatever you wanted to play.

A poll distributed by Blizzard to the personal Emails of anyone who ever purchased OW.

You do realize those that there are many people that left because of Role Q before that data was even collected?

All invalid as it turns out

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So, for you to finally admit there is so many more people that like 222, you want blizzard to send out 50million emails?

I mean, I doubt they will and you can continue to pretend your right, but i hope you realize how this makes you look, considering what we do have… I got some bad news for you.

Like lets put this in perspective, I am not a fan of doom, the data suggests he is fine, based off Blizzard not doing something and the available stats, he is probably fine, i would love to never have him in my games, but I know if blizzard saw a problem the would at least slowly act on it.

The data even suggests people do not like him one bit, but i’ll take the invisible non-action as a pretty good sign even though it’s invisible.

Maybe, you should try to understand people like it AND you and some others do not, but acting like what jeff himself showed just kinda makes you seem…

Unless you know of better way to provide valid data, then yes. You can’t just do random polls because those are largely echo chambers and are biased in that places like the Forums are largely made up of people that play the game and many of those that disapproved of Role Q left the game.


Yeah, but those polls show exactly what Jeff provided, and he has the WHOLE stats to look at, thats why they help show us what what Jeff provided is that, except in Korea, no one is playing those modes.

If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, we probably lost about as many people that left for it not being in the game.

Like I want all 4 modes to stay so everyone can do what they like, but this is painful and makes me want to reconsider so they just leave. I also hate myself for saying that.

But just leave if your so unhappy and won’t take anything but your example. If you really won’t take Jeffs word for it even if they sent out 50 million emails I am pretty sure you would just make some new reason why you are right.

Like do you honestly think 50% of the player base left over 222? (i didnt do the math but that what it seems like it would take to just get equal numbers.)

Once again, the player base has changed greatly from now and when Forced 2-2-2 was introduced.

Many people that hated Role Q have left

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I think DPS players could care less about what their team has ha

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I have done so multiple times before and the conclusion that is drawn from said data is undeniably the same every single time.

I’m not going to repeat this again. If you want so much to hear the same old data, then please go back to one of our last discussions.

Conclusions based on invalid data are then also invalid

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The conclusion that the data you preach about is invalid

You’ve actually never provided any data in any discussion we have had. All you have done is told me to go to a completely different discussion you had with someone else and use that data.

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And why do you personally consider said data as invalid in the first place??

And even more importantly, do you have any actual data of your own that can even remotely contest all of the data that I’ve listed and prove the opposite conclusion??


And why exactly is that so?? That’s what both you and your friend have failed to give insight on in any of your discussions (conspiracy theories that you think ““disprove”” said data aren’t really enough for me to take you seriously by the way).

Because maybe all the data that exist concerning this subject happen to not be in - line with your fantasy of 2/2/2 role - lock being a ““disaster”” of a system??

I think that’s the answer to be honest…

Lying is one thing… Being bold about said lies is even worse…

I’ve brought up my data concerning this subject countless times in the past and I hope you’re trolling when you’re saying the opposite…

Funny enough, you are the ones who not even once have provided any actual evidence to prove your claims… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

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there is no need for invalid data to be contested

it is after all invalid