Has forced 2-2-2 changes resulted into long queues?

  1. In one of the latest Developer Updates Jeff Kaplan himself said that 2/2/2 role - queue was overall a “positive” change.
  2. Here are some official developer quotes that were released a couple of months ago:

And even more importantly, here’s the point where the overall very positive opinion of the majority of the game’s player base is touched upon:

  1. I have to admit this isn’t such a trustworthy source, but just the fact that the grand majority of the unofficial polls created in social places as historically negative for some reason as these Forums have surprisingly shown 2/2/2 role - lock to be a clear winner amongst fans, with the different concensus sometimes even touching 3:1 in favor of the system really says a lot

I have provided these 3 same points dozens of times before, but once again I’m the one I guess who hasn’t provided any evidence to prove his points… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Anyways… I’m sure you’ll now begin with your classic conspiracy theories of how all of the above evidence is "“invalid”"and the like.

But, one truth still stands… Until you come up with any amount of your own actual evidence which proves your apparent opinion that the majority of the player base actually somehow dislikes 2/2/2 role - lock, then it’s more than difficult to take you and anything that you say seriously…

When you actually bring up this evidence, I will be ecstatic to have a conversation with you and who knows… Maybe I’ll be the one in the wrong at the end of the day, something that I’ll gladly accept and move on.

Until that day though in the future, I think we should stop this conversation and you should stop replying to my comments in general, as they’ll always devolve to a tiring monologue like this one with the exact same conclusion every single time…

Either way, have a nice rest of the day! :slight_smile: