Their damage is cut to a third. That’s 25 damage per fragment. You’re chances of getting a lucky kill with that are pretty low.
Though if you’re firing more arrows, your chances of hitting are higher. You’re doing less damage, I won’t argue that, but if you have up to 15 extra chances to hit the target around a corner (3 per arrow not including the added ricochets), it probably evens out somewhat.
And I think there was a typo in your response. Damage is cut by a third? Or did you mean to say to a third?
Didn’t notice that, thanks!
If I’m trying to kill a target around a corner, I’d much rather have the potential that current Storm Arrows offer.
I didn’t know that you mained Hanzo. Respectable.
The healthpack hack thing just seems like a “Oh, that’s nice” upside and not anything more. They don’t want you to shoot healthpacks with the sonic arrows, but while you’re using it normally, you’ll also hack healthpacks and keep them away from the enemy.
Off the top of my head, I can think of three spots where that’d be good. Two spots are on first point Numbani and the third is a spot in the mexican payload map towards the end of the level.
I almost feel like shooting a sonic arrow at a health pack should instead act like you pick it up so you could shootit for a quick heal but maybe put it on a longer cooldown. At least this way it wouldnt be so niche and it would still sort of work the same way in that it would remove it quickly from being able to be used by the enemy team. I dunno maybe my idea is worse