Hanzo snapping arrow bug

Stability isn’t something that you can evaluate like that, not without the netgraph. Overwatch doesn’t have any amount of transparency about packet loss, even with the game’s networking icons in the top left.

Case in point, when the game had the double-bullet trail bug, you sometimes had no indicator, no icons whatsoever that said you experienced packet loss at the time of packet loss. Yet a packet was INDEED lost because the shot mispredicted and wasn’t honored.

Whether or not you have the icons on, I have no idea, but even having them on isn’t reliable. It’s netgraph or bust.

You can’t throttle RTT… RTT stands for round-trip time which is an averaged number of the number of milliseconds it takes takes for your computer to send packets to ping the server, have all of the packets reach the server, get processed and resorted, and receive a return packet from the server. It’s a literal average rate of there-and-back return packets over the last couple of seconds.

As for Unreal being able to throttle connections to handicap players or (more accurately) simulate a consistent input delay, that’s completely irrelevant to RTT. And whether or not they handicap lower players isn’t the problem here.

The game’s server operates on a delay in order to backdate events – something that HAS to exist, regardless of philosophy on the matter because the alternative is a gamebreaking desync. In the event that there’s a player that’s laggy, that delay is how the laggy player gets to commit an action and still play – which they’re still playing on delay and still technically disadvantaged by having information later than all other players.

Of which, you can’t throttle that, you can’t even increase the delay because if the delay is too long an event that would have been backdated would eventually be discarded.

And Blizzard didn’t change anything. Here’s the post about the change of PNG + RTT to Latency, and it’s in plain English – they changed nothing about how the game operates or processes events or even increasing the delay to handicap low ping players.

So, as to why you got hit by flashbang even though you saw on your screen you turned in time, that could be;

  1. Packet loss, where the packets that said you turned in time were lost to the void of the internet and discarded, so the server saw that you were still facing front instead of to the right
  2. Packet loss again, this time it being information about McCree’s aim when he activated Flashbang – this could change the arc of the flashbang where he could have thrown it upwards over your shield, but your computer didn’t get that information in time so all that it could do is continue with the last known position of his aim (which is why watching the killcam/replay/highlight is so important to evaluating these interactions)
  3. A separate hitbox issue unrelated to networking. Reinhardt is known to have had a hole in is barrier before.

I play Rein in Comp the most so I know that feel. But even still, that doesn’t mean that you’re being unfairly affected. You’re a massive character, and Shatters and Firestrikes operate on the Favor the Shooter.