Hanzo rework update

When the hell is it coming to the PTR?

I’m sure asking “Are we there yet” will make us arrive quicker


It has been over a month and not a single update.

Torbjorn players have been waiting for theirs for nearly 15 months now

there were updates, Jeph said they are finishing animations and effects and it will come to PTR soon™

the last time Geoff said anything they’re still testing out many combinations of utility arrows, with “volley” being the most likely change for it.

Just expect another weeks and months before there is another word for it, since they seem to like playing it safe and taking their time with each tweak. Not that that’s a bad thing.

edit: nvm, apparently Jeff already said some stuff about it? Neat!

To be honest, I wouldn’t mind testing possibly broken unfinished abilities on the PTR. Would be quite fun actually.


My bad then.

(20 characters ecks dee)

There you go.
We’ll have it in 2-3 weeks.