Hanzo needs a real buff (idea)

So, I’m not a Hanzo main. I don’t want to give him his one-shot back. But he was done dirty with this patch. That “buff” is arguably a nerf. I think it’s a nerf. So, I’ve been thinking about how we could turn it into a reasonable buff.

Here’s my thought. Starting with post change dragon strike. Hanzo players, I’m curious if you agree with this line of thinking.

  1. Increase the length of the dragons so that the time they cover a specific area is the same as before. This would have 2 effects. First it removes the zoning nerf. Second it keeps the dot if you are caught the same. And you might see an increased kill potential, but if you don’t it’s at least no worse.
  2. Allow dragon strike to kill deployables. There’s absolutely no reason it shouldn’t be able to take out lamp, or a turret, or Illari pylon. If you want to use your ultimate to break a bunker, you should be able to.

Those changes I think would make it a meaningful buff.


If it was up to me I’d:

make Dragonstrike slower, drop it from 15 to 10 meters per second.

add a reverse fall-off, the closer you are to Hanzo, the less damage he does.

20 meters or less? 100 damage (200 critical) fully charged.

21-39 meters? 125 damage (250 critical) fully charged.

40+ meters? 150 damage (300 critical) fully charged.

This change would categorize Hanzo as a true sniper, but still one who can be bested by Widowmaker, and at the same time, allows flankers to approach Hanzo with no worry of insta-death. Best change I can think of for him that doesn’t ruin him for the player and their enemies.


i would buff his arrow to 125 dmg, but lower the crit mod to 1.95x so it would not 1 shot kill but still can 2 tap

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Shimmada don’t grovel to traitors who cheaply backstabbed hanzo like cowards.

They knew how much of a disgusting thing they were doing to a iconic hero of 7 years changing his primary.

They didn’t even have the basic decency to acknowledge and talk about it so far, when they had time to yap about ventures diet…

Then this last joke buff that’s a nerf.

What they have done to hanzo shimmada and his mains is a sin.

First they need to acknowledge it and repent.

Till then they are not worth to be addressed by shimmadas.

We don’t negotiate with backstabbing traitors who killed the shimmada dragon .


It is literally a nerf despite what they call it. Yes, the dragons are reaching the target sooner, not that anyone uses it further than close-med range when going for kills, but it also means it’s potential damage and area denial are reduced.

They “buffed” probably the worst ult in the game in the dumbest way possible, really resulting in a nerf NONE of even his haters ever asked for.

Yeah, I was agree. That’s why I’m asking for them to actually buff the ultimate in a meaningful way.

What good is a better ultimate if the hero himself is trash?

Agree with the dragon strike changes. It’s what I suggested on Arrge’s stream, to increase the length to keep it about the same in zoning. I didn’t think about deployables because I don’t play Hanzo all that much but yeah, that seems fine to me. if they wanna just kill a Pylon or a turret with it, let them go for it.

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I don’t think the hero is trash. I do agree his ultimate is trash.

What would you change to Hanzo that does not give him a 1-shot back in order to make him good? Let’s do that thought exercise. 1-shot is off the table. You are in charge of balance and that is the only thing you are not allowed to do by your supervisor. What do you do?

Think about it.

With one-shot. Slow fire rate = Strength and weakness of a sniper

Without one-shot. Same slow fire rate = Weakness of a sniper, none of the strength.

This means he has to lose a weakness.

There are two ways to do that:

Buff his damage to 125 so he can be a proper sniper. Reduce Storm Arrow count to 4 (threshold for bodyshots). Likely not even necessary if they reduce his projectile size again, as they should.


Increase his fire rate significantly so that he can be self-sufficient. This would be a full rework to a duelist type DPS. He would need more mobility, replaced Sonic and likely Storm Arrow.

There are quite a few rework ideas that have been done by Hanzo players that don’t involve one-shot as a primary, including things like keeping the Sonic and making it his one-shot ability on revealed targets for first instances of damage for x amount of time.

But of course we wouldn’t want him to be reworked, and nobody else would want their hero reworked, particularly if it means their entire hero identity is changed.


i think April fool’s scatter arrow is a good ability to replace his current crappy rapid fire arrows. it will help with the corner issues of not securing kills.

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Just make it so his Lunge has only a 2sec cooldown.

Either fully rework him into a sniper. Faster arrows that do a minimum of 140, replace Storm Arrow with something like the weapon art of the Milwood Greatbow from Dark Souls, and remove his lunge.

Rework him into a spammer/ duelist. Faster ROF (potentially invalidating Storm), replace Sonic Arrow with a ricochet or weakened Scatter Arrow, reduce his damage to 75-90, and increase his mobility.

Give him back his OHK, but as an ability.

Or increase his arrow damage to 125, Storm to 77, and nerf his crit multiplier to 1.95. All this would do is let him 2 shot to the body again.

As for his ult, each dragon has it’s own hit box, right? Rework the ult to fire one at a time.

Orrrrrr. Give his one shot back on a full charge and make the full charge hitscan so it cant be spammed. Problem solved

So Widowmaker basically? We don’t need two of those. And Widow doesn’t have storm arrows.

I like your changes. His ult is still one of the worst standalone ults in the game. We all know the combos, but on its own its rather bad, lets not kid ourselves.

I didn’t play very much Hanzo before they took his one shot away, I dont have much of opinion comparing past Han to this one. All I can say is currently I still have fun playing Hanzo the Spammer. I dont play him if I really want a W, but I still enjoy playing him.

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I agree. Part of why I’m pissed on behalf of Hanzo players that this “buff” even saw the light of day. They could easily have done my changes and even increased the spread, so to speak, so the ult was wider. And then at least it would have truly been a buff.

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2-taps regardless of headshots would kinda make it pointless to hit headshots.

You’re not wrong, but at the same time, having one of if not the slowest base ttk in the game on a damage hero that really only counts as a sniper because he can OHK the only other sniper feels as bad as it is illogical, especially when he’s a projectile hero.

As things stand, I truly believe he needs a full rework because he barely passes as a sniper at this point, and despite being easier to hit with now, the only actual part of his lethality that remained was his Storm Arrow.

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The only thing “sniper” about him is his slow RoF.
Again, the weakness without the strength.
How long before they rework every specialist hero in the game to be a generalist?
I haven’t had such a boring time playing this game for years. They are further alienating competitive and passionate players with every patch. If they rework him (and every other projectile hero), it had better be as fun as what we had before, and certainly more impactful than the shell of a hero we have now.

Every patch is tanks complaining that their role feels awful, because they can’t solve counterpicking without reworking literally every tank, which nobody wants.
Orisa was boring in OW1, so she warranted a rework, and nobody would cry. They literally solved it, just in 5v5 where it didn’t matter anymore.
Guess what? This along with Bap and Brig nerfs would have solved double shield. 6v6 was balanceable, with very few reworks, and a little number tweaking. Here we have a format that necessitates reworks for a dumb amount of heroes. This has been proven, because many of these reworks have already happened. How long before they realize they gotta stop trying to prove the old team wrong, and just go back to the better format? Overwatch Classic is where it’s at.