Hanzo kills you with wind?


I’m not sure, but doesn’t this mean the visuals didn’t matched with its hitboxes because arc wasn’t shown correct?

His arrows are larger than hitscan bullets, you need less precision than McCree for example.

His arrows are also pretty long, you can move into them sideways and take damage.

I’ve frequently been killed by arrows that look like they’re going to miss only to see them turn hard at the last second into my face. It’s annoying, but I know it’s just my 68ms ping that’s causing that effect.

Pretty sure kill cams show what is seen in your game from the perspective of the player that killed you, not necessarily what they saw. His arrows are normal.

And in turn i’ve seen arrows that hit you with sound effect and hit effect yet do 0 damage.

Animations + the size of Hanzo’s projectiles + the exaggerated hitboxes for heroes is what seems to be screwing it up for the most part. No matter how small you make a projectile, if any part of it collides with what we all know are bloated hitboxes on heroes it will land.

Its the only thing that makes sense given that anything above the stomach will often be considered a headshot for Hanzo. And its way more obvious on heroes like McCree, where the hitbox extends past its visual counterpart.

still way to big tbvh. they r nearly hitscan in low to midrange and dmg output and should be treated that way