Hanzo has "Simple geometry" as a voiceline on the PTR!

But as voiceline you could interject it into every interaction, also why does d.va have homework, she’s 19 and in the military apparently.


Ok but where’s the shiiiiieeeeeeld generator?


I just brought the same thing up a moment ago😂

I’d like both posts but forum limits yada yada rada rada.

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I really wish it was a voiceline, it’s just so iconic…and spammable as a voiceline.

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i just find it soothing. I have no idea why it’s a meme. There are a lot of funny voicelines.

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It’s also a good reminder, i just wish the people on my team knew that…

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Remind your team of what? Going after the gen? It’s gone and when it was an ult it’s power was it’s ability to be a diversion for anyone new enough to trust a Junkrat voiceline for tactical analysis.

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I know it’s gone, but that example was before it was gone, nobody ever looked for the shield generator and i couldn’t do it when i was the healer or tank😂

Also trust the the junk

See, that looks like a trustable person.


I’d trust that man. Anyway, I still want that voice line to trigger off of something. Nirvana is located between the multiple the “I’s” and “E’s” in shiiiiiiieeeeeeelllld generator. Zen said so.

It’s better if it’s a spammabe voiceline so it’s just as annoying as the old version that activated every 30 seconds, or they could just make him say it every 30 seconds in every match.

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I could meditate to that.

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Stop trying to farm likes from me, I already said that I’m out XD.

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That won’t stop me from giving you likes and making funny comments!

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You definitely don’t play “Mercy.”

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Wait what? I don’t understand the statement.

Edit: never mind😂

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Imma log off before the peep who started this thread realizes that I’ve hijacked his thread Junk Sparrow style. Nice chatting with you.

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He still has scatter arrow on his hero select screen.

That comment triggers me, i think you mean pi-rat.

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I feel there is a way to make everyone happy. Turn Sonic Arrow into Sonic Scatter Arrow. The Arrow itself still has a sonic on it like it does currently, but it also has the fragments from old Scatter Arrow on it. The scatters, however, do not do much damage (like, 5 a piece maybe, so a full scatter shot can only hit for 20 damage). Each Scatter fragment, however, also has a sonic in it as well.

So, if you fire it into an close room, it will spread out the sonar. If you fire it into an open area, you have less control over where the fragments go, but it doesn’t matter because the Arrow itself also has a sonar, so it can work as it does currently. And if a fragment embeds itself into an enemy, then they are wallhacked as if they were struck with the arrow itself.

Just a way I think you could bring back his most iconic ability without upsetting anyone, since I don’t think anyone will care about a scatter that does almost no damage (or if they do, then make it do no damage and just have sonic functionality).