Hanzo Has Been Nerfed To The Ground


how is top down balancing as solid as NFT’s. we’re not discussing Buisness, we’re talking about game design bro. stay on topic.

I wanna like your post, but here you go talking about the dps passive being broken when supports are hard boosted…

They’re ruining Hanzo tho, the patch is trash


I was referring to how eSports is a dying industry, they was propped up by gullible investors. They have now since been thoroughly burned by their investment.

That said, if you wanna talk about industry trends, why is it that Overwatch is the only modern FPS without universal counterplay to Snipers?

Just curious. Are you a game designer? Not judging. I’m just genuinely curious since you obviously have a passion for this particular game and take a lot of pride in what you contribute in forum posts.

So if you’ve studied game design, and have this passion for it, would you consider applying to game design jobs? My husband is a game designer and loves working with game balance and numbers, etc. He has a masters in computer science but argues that you don’t even need a degree for it because it’s something that comes with experience and hard work in the field and there are plenty great game designers out there without those high degrees.

I just see you on here a lot while browsing posts and while I don’t always agree with what you write, I’ve just been curious if this passion of yours in practiced outside of this game or not.


because other games dont have the same rigid character structure like OW. besides paladins ig but ive never played so I wouldnt know.

everyone can use an AWP/Operator in Cs/Val.

Everyone can use the guns in Apex

in other games selecting a character isnt selecting a playstyle, its selecting the abilites you have without the weapons

Nope. I’ve just been doing this for decades as a hobby.

Nope, not in this economy, and I already got a six figure job at a top 500 company with flexible work hours.

Well yeah, but you need to actually study design principles. And not just go entirely off of vibes.

I mostly reference Tom Cadwell, Sid Meier, Robin Walker, and Mark Rosewater.

Fair enough. Was just curious. Thanks for the response.

(Depending on which company - game design can be a 6 figure job btw but that’s beside the point of my question)


To be fair, I have been wondering if I should try it as a consulting gig though.

But that’s more for the novelty than the Career.

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he predicted the merger happening next week

every week

for 18 months


Yeah for sure. Might be a good avenue to pursue.

“Hanzo has been nerfed to the ground”

Thank you.

Now widow.

crazy cuz hes mid rn too. forums just dont care because they dont know how to walk around the map and “one shot bad”

Y’all are psychotic for wanting this. Just nerf supports, why is it so hard? Why does everyone else get forbidden from having fun? I just can’t wait for this crap to be shutdown in 2025.

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Because they need ideally 20% Tank players, 40% DPS players and 40%. For Queue/Matchmaker purposes.

And the people that essentially want 10% Tank players, 70% DPS players, 20% Support players. Aren’t worth the tens of millions of dollars that would cost in penalty.

I’m sorry, I’m still salty about the entire community getting hog nerfed into oblivion for nine months because they couldn’t stand being kill-combo’d with a hook that moves 2X slower than a hanzo arrow and has limited range and a cooldown.

hanzo doesn’t have 700hp

You can, i think if you do a few promising indie projects, im sure you can get into consulting for bigger studios then, this is assuming you are talking about game design balance , if you are open to marketing side or data analysis side you can get into directly from other industry to big studios if you have good portfolio and experience in the field.

For indie games mainly i would recommend looking at games made by experienced heads atleast 15+ years as they are more likely to be professional and have proper funding.
I would call them small studios rather than indie
So currently there is
Mainframe industries its mostly ex blizz ubi remedy folks they are making pax dei a mmo

There is ex rocksteady founders sefton hill and jamie walker in hundredfoot studios they have newly formed actively hiring for some secret project, its the real reason suicide squad is bad unlike arkham cause these people left.

Then there is theory craft games, that’s basically a lot of ex riot devs they are making project loki which is like a mix of apex legends and smash bros, i think it will be a hit if its like a proper mix of fighting and gunplay. They are also hiring.

I think you will have more success getting into them if you are interested and lead to bigger studios if you want to focus on the game design path.

Meanwhile pros on the test server

Hanzo is so broken and OP. <3 it

Well, that’s good.

Give it a week and the High ELO nerf mob will be in full effect.


I wouldn’t like to say anything because of how much the game will change… but…

Storm Arrows

  • Damage increased from 65 to 75. (+15% dmg)
  • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds. (-20% cooldown)

Include the larger projectile size (it will have 4x the area) and dps passive… he’s going to pump out A LOT of damage more consistently while sitting back safely and using the heal passive.