Hanzo Has Been Nerfed To The Ground

bad hanzo players shoot down chokes and into teamfights, its going to hit something
why is it rocket science when even the first humans knew shooting arrows down chokes was a good idea?

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Not really. He doesn’t have to deal with the same reload as Ashe, doesn’t have falloff damage, has better and more frequent mobility, has more combo potential with his ultimate, and does more damage per shot meaning he can pick off targets with more health.

He still has downsides, don’t mistake my words for thinking he’s better Ashe. No, he’s just different with his own set of upsides.

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Yes, and getting rewarded with one shot kills. It’s Junkrat but even more degenerate

dude, a junkrat can shoot direct hits that do 120 splash to everyone in a radius, i would say that more dumb but its junkrat :person_shrugging:
Thats if you hit the head and not their backs which is more likely to happen

Dude makes so many threads, so many replies, of the most inane suggestions, that even his .1% accurate prediction can happen often enough to make him think it warrants his smug reaction to it.


More like it’s not possible to oneshot in Apex, unless it’s an amped charge shot out of a massive deployable. And even then you need a rare drop out of an RNG lategame drop, with limited ammo.

And can still do the downed, crawl, rez thing.

And the Sniper is very squishy unless hard pocketed. Like 150hp Hanzo squishy.

but its a projectile, you have to account for their movement and arrow drop, whereas ashe is point and click

but a longer time between full shots

They have to be really bad players to face and get rekt by such bad hanzo too I’m not even talking metal ranks maybe like first 50 games of qp bad to claim this is a valuable hanzo strategy that works always and frustrates them.
I’m telling you they are going to cry more when this patch drops sadly it ruins the hero identity.

TF2. thats the problem with hero shooters bro. there is no universal counterplay to every kind of character archetype, thats inherently not how it works

Cool. Give Hanzo 150hp and take away his Lunge and Wallclimb and cut the damage on StormArrows in half.

I’m totally fine with the squishy glass cannon approach.

hmm wow this totally doesnt ignore how the games play differently…

you didnt study jack lmfaooooo. Sniper isnt squishy because he instant smites half the roster the moment they’re in LOS. you think hacker bots play sniper for the funny? no lmao. he’s a horribly busted monster who the devs are on RECORD as saying they regret creating him

So how would you design Hanzo as an extremely squishy glass cannon?

:point_up: :nerd_face: “one shots isnt healthy for the game, his arrows are logs!!!.”

Everyone that complains about hanzo better climb out of pisslow now. It’s not enjoyable playing a game that balance around casual players. No one cares about your opinion on a fps game when you can’t maximize the potential of each hero. In fact you probably cant strafe hence why you complain about getting one shot. (Talking to the hanzo haters)

I hope they compensate for the changes. There’s no point in playing him if the shots aren’t rewarding.

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Ya items are rng cause guess what weapons are too why cause it’s a br.

Meh he is as good as hanzo if not better and one shots heavy and has better cqc with second weapons

If anything you should have used to argue it should be about the charge red dot that makes him visible to others.

yes because Lazypurple is the peak sniper player. l.m.f.a.o.

I also have clips of snipers running around killing with sword he won’t accept those clips :disappointed:

Why should I be concerned that the TF2 Sniper is a problem for 0.01% of the playerbase?

Especially given that that’s primarily a custom ruleset which bans out a bunch of strong Spy weapons.

same reason why esports games balance around the higher playerbase, TF2 included. go ahead and google the Base Jumper nerf.

besides you dont need to be in the 0.01% for a sniper to ruin your game, even ignoring bots a semi decent sniper is hell to manage

i wish i could say that was me but i play overwatch and sombra is a thing

First off, name me a successful “eSports First” shooter that isn’t CounterStrike or RiotCounterStrike.

Second off, explain to me why a business model about as solid as NFTs is the only way to successfully run a business.