Hanzo arrows? how big are they?

Seems like every single game I fight a hanzo that never misses a single shot.
BAM BAM BAM headshot left and right die in one shot every single time. Also i gotta worry about hanzo using his ultimate 50 times per game cuz i guess thats just what he gets is way more ultimates than anyone else.

Also whenever i get killed from hanzo i see on the killcam that hanzo didnt even have his crosshair anywhere near me but somehow the arrow still hits my head and i die. Theres proof of this all over youtube do u ever plan on fixing it? ty


What is there to fix?


dont believe this one bit sorry.

i wish i could record my game footage and post it here to show u guys what im talking about but i dont know how or want to invest the time to learn tbh.

theres lot of proog on youtube about his arrows headshoting peiople when they look like they shouldnt even land.


The crosshair doesn’t need to be on you. It is a projectile, a Hanzo has to pre-aim. If you really think he’s easy to play and carry, just pick Hanzo and climb out of your current rank playing only Hanzo. I will then agree.

You dont have to hit the head in Ow to get a headshot , just around it, just like reaper and doom reticle doesnt always have to be ON a target for a killshot to register.

I cant tell you how many times a doom has killed me with primary and he aiming at nothing

You can also test it in custom game with bots on escort maps, they won’t move: BUT Go into training room pick hanzo reduce your reticle to only a dot with the size of 2 and fire an arrow about 4CM away from the bot’s body and watch as the arrow makes physical contact.

As I said tho i also tested this with custom bots and made sure they didn’t move. Regardless, every time i fired hanzo arrow close enough to an enemy without it or my crosshair moving it makes contact without actually being close enough for most other weapons.

Again set his reticle to dot only and reduce to size 2 for maximum viewing of the Log sized projectile :smiley:

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It depends on a hero.
Hero hit boxes are unique in this game. Some heroes are bulky and very easy to hit, such as Bastion. Some heroes are hard to headshot, such as Ana


It’s called a hitbox dude, it’s the same in every FPS game. The hitbox isn’t contoured to the shape of the player model, it’s just a square box covering their entire body, so there are sections of the box with no body that a hit will still register on.

You can do the same thing you are saying above with any character. Instead of Hanzo, choose McCree and do the exact same thing, he will most likely register a hit also (although hanzos arrows will have more room for error and rightly so, being a projectile).


I tested it with all heroes to be certain. For the sake of this thread though I just wanted to point out the means of showing how massive his arrows really are. That being said yes, the above statements about his being the smallest of projectiles is true, but as I’ve said before they just need to pull back the speed that they travel to balance him properly again: imho :slight_smile:

how did someone bring back a thread from a whole year ago


They can’t resurrect their teammates as Mercy with mass resurrect anymore so they resurrect year old threads.


The power of necromancy.

On topic I recall in owl a Hanzo shot that hit a Lucio in the head after making a 90 degree turn and travelling up 4’ (not a scatter arrow).

Might see this a lot more now that Hanzo is meta.

i think we need a necromancer mercy skin now


Hitboxes in overwatch I don’t believe are actually boxes. That’s why hanzo head is so hard to hit, it’s crooked.

The second I saw the title I had to check for necro. It’s literally been ages since I’ve heard anyone complain about his arrows.

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The problem isnt the size, it’s that they are long and people walk into them. So if you walk your head hitbox into the end of the arrow it still counts as a headshot. Idiotic but that’s the deal.

That’s crappy design then.

Someone has been bumping year old threads a lot lately. I have one of mine liked and commented on a week or two ago.

Yeah, they should just change it so that it’s actually just a small projectile and have the arrow shaft just be nothing but visual.

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When i play hanzo, i dont even aim. I just hold down left click and close my eyes then flick in a random direction and hear the headshot ding

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