Handicapping Competitive Play With MMR is Wrong

But it already is?

Yes slightly.

So can u try to answer why the MMR used to be super important and has still a good place in the game?

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I thought MMR was a number between 3 and -3 (interview by Jeff) like 1.4365546

But i wouldn’t be surprised if it would be something like this.

No if MMR is like -3 to 3 then you MMR would be 0.

But then again the SR is not right, since everyone should be at MMR 0, if SR was right.

And i thought MMR would be a rating that only takes the last few games into account. Like you play the last 3 games above your SR then you MMR would be higher. If you played worse then MMR would be lower. A GM on a new account in plat will have a MMR close to 3.
So a number that not matches your rank, but more your current rank adjustment.

If the above is right and uses the numbers like this, it wouldn’t be weird the MM balances matches with these numbers. Finding/Making teams close to the same SR and same MMR.
But this also mean if team A has all average players of MMR is close to 0. And team 2 has the GM with MMR close to 3. And 5 other players with a low MMR.
Meaning those 5 low MMR will probably get carried and get a higher SR (even if they should be dropping instead). Same will happen the other way around putting a 2,754634 player with 5 +1 MMR players. Making the game a 5 vs 6 where the 5 are a bit better then the 6.
More fair would be find the 6 highest MMR players of a SR rating. And match them against the 6 lowest MMR rating of the same SR. The 6 with highest will climb easily while the lowest will drop faster to the SR they belong. So everyone get to the SR they belong to faster.
So eventually most players will be MMR 0, or close to it.

But blizzard chosed for a system that makes everyone win or loose about 50%.
So a GM climbing on a new account, will get hard games eventually and even will loose some games in plat.
So it is fixing matches. Making players get to the rank they should be in a lot slower then should. Just so the casual bronze player will not feel to bad, when he should be loosing like 20 games in a row, when he would be ranked to high when he just start in gold. No, the system will be fixing matches, making sure this player will at least win some games on his road down, so he doesn’t feel to bad.


Well it was an exaggerated example, we dont know exactly how long the number is. But the point was people like to see simple numbers like 2450 and they like the simplicity of ranks too, thats why we have ranks like bronze and silver and so on. If someone asks how good ur in OW, you would prolly answer “gold” instead of the exact SR you currently are, and less likely even if you knew your MMR number you wouldnt say its 1.0101201240101

And pelase answer my only question…

You mmr would be -3 or 3 only if you outperforming or underperformig a lot.

You might get mirror match ups, but I do not. Out of 10 games today I won 1 and that was the only game today where the support/dps did what they que’d for. The other 9 games were complete and utter stomps where my team literally tried to face tank a bastion. maybe it’s because you are in a much higher rank than my account will ever be. It sucks, but I guess I’ll have to just accept that I’m only good at real things and OW isn’t on my priority list atm.

The -3 to 3 thing appears to stand for standard deviations. So if you’re a -3, you’re very low bronze, 3 would be GM, 0 is the mean so presumably gold at like 2350ish.

(Open up the Matchmaking section, video link reference is in the References section, link number 6)


Dude, there is no purpose to it.
The matchmaker isn’t rigged.
Make your point and move on.
If you have no point, then ask yourself why you are doing this.

Putting aside the argument for the existence of a MMR handicap, why should I care about such a system if I can climb in spite of it.

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The problem with Match Making Rating is that it makes the entire ranking system meaningless. If all of our matches are being handicapped, then the system cannot possibly be proving our skill. Most players will experience ‘success’ in competitive play just by being new to the game, and automatically being favored by the MMR/handicapping system.

Forcing even matches is exactly what we’re talking about with handicapping.
If someone is outplaying their rank, they will soon be put up vs. some other great player to balance them out.

That’d be like the NFL saying “Patriots are winning too much! Now they must play the all-star team just to make the game fair.” But hey… it’s definitely going to be an EVEN MATCH. Not fair to the patriots, because they should just get any old match in their rank (the nfl)

And that’s not how competitive anything should work. The difficulty should not be adjusted to match any player, or duo, or team.

The simplest example is that it’s well known in Overwatch to NEVER create a 6 stack, because that’s just asking for Hard Mode. Well… why? They’re in the same RANK, right? But forget rank, i guess. The system is forcing even matches, and it does it even if you do not create a 6 stack. If you are hot, you WILL be balanced out. That’s handicapping. And it should not happen, in our opinion.

They should skip this “even match” stuff, because it really means they’re doing something to balance out a horrible player, or a great player, in every single match, just to make that one little game even. Instead, It should be completely random, there should be no hidden MMR designed to force even matches.

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how is that bad? that’s what a ranking system is supposed to do

no that’s a league, not a ranking system, also they DO play in the NFL not college football don’t they? (if overwatch worked like a league, you have to register a team play for a season then either get into the next better tier league, stay at your league or get relegated to a lower league at the end of a season)

basically what you want is, you get better and nobody else can because that means the game is hard all the time

you should stick to smurfing if you don’t like playing against equals

It is also a doubly advantageous for them to cause this system to do the fair match system. As it not only gives you the wins but also slows down your climb the closer you get to your rank. Thus stretching out your play time as you reach your “bubble” of SR above or below where the MMR thinks you should be.


As a noob I find this… hysterical.
People who claim to be “hardcore” “gamers” that complain they get even matches.

You are actually arguing that being pinned against a worthy opponent is a bad thing? What do you propose, exactly? A simple “Any Diamond vs any Diamond, absolutely no attempt to balance the teams”? Truly?

I bet when you get steamrolled because RNG has put 6 great players in one team (or just one group of good players has joined up) and crushes you you will come running and say the game is mean to you again?


no other sport in the world would work with hidden mystical voodoo mojo bs as hidden mmr. tell us EXACTLY whats what and let us compete.


This thread is what my favorite streamer would call a “big juicer”. This message serves the purpose of subscription.

What you’re saying is: Experienced players and skilled players should be placed on opposite teams, to make a better experience for all. That is debatable, and depends a lot on context. My argument is that it is false in the context of ranked Competitive Play.

I’m also arguing that it’s wrong for a corporation like Blizzard to handicap competitive matches in secret. That is not debatable.

Tell me more!

I know. And that argument simply does not make sense.

What are you talking about? You’re not even making an argument, you’re just grand standing.

I’ll ask again: what do you think Match Making Rating is? What do you think Blizzard invented it for?

Lol you are such a casual.

Funny, I thought I asked you that already?

The fact that the matchmaking tries to make even matches is not a great conspiracy. It is it’s purpose. It’s the entire point of it.

You are not being held back by the matchmaker.

The matchmaker’s purpose is to find 11 other players with as close a match to you as possible, skill wise. If that is not possible it will try to find two teams with as close average skill as possible with a + / - 500 points range per player to do it.
That’s it. Again, there is no great conspiracy to make you buy new accounts or whatever. It’s purpose is to create as even matches as possible.