Hammond tether ball

How about go back and read, Yes he can be countered. The point is no single character should have infinite abilities.

It’s not infinite. He can only spin until he runs out of health, which is usually not very long.

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Seriously, what rocks did you people crawl from? How can you not use abilities and aim at a predictable rotation?

Go complain at the Kotaku sites. The rest of us will shoot down/stun/hack/freeze/boop Wrecking Ball.

Pharah has infinite flight if you know how to use it.
Sombra has infinite Stealth.

Still ,what’s your point?

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Well, it sounds like that is a moot point, then.

  • Lucio buffed to have infinite wall ride
  • Sombra buffed to have infinite stealth
  • Wrecking Ball has infinite grapple
  • Pharah buffed to have infinite flight with fuel management (Pharah 1.0 spent so much time on the floor)
  • Mei has infinite CC on primary and was buffed to affect the whole enemy team
  • Lucio/Zen’s form of healing and Discord/Speedboost
  • Reinhardt’s barrier vs every other barrier tanks’ mechanics

Who else am I missing?

I don’t see how ball being able to grapple forever is an issue. As it is now, he can spin a few times and then surprise fling himself to an enemy support.

Sure, some players spin on the point forever but he shouldn’t get nerfed due to those people. In that scenario, WB is either getting no value out of his skills (ammo reloaded and piledriver off cooldown and you keep spinning?) or the enemy team is not doing their job of stopping him.

Wreckingball is fine :slight_smile:


I disagree. If someone wants to leave Bronze and a Ball stalling point in enough matches is contributing to keeping them there, they need to figure out how to stop that before continuing to climb. There are numerous options that end his stall fun immediately, including just tracking him in an incredibly predictable path.

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let him hook on heroes.

Wait , did you just told people to learn how to counter him???


(Ok , but seriously - People complain too much. Hammond is fine. If people learned how to play against him before saying “HaMmOnD iS a TrOlL pIcK , dElEtE hIm” , now no one would have said anything but I guess I’m wrong. I play Hammond Every day (Low Masters) and people know how to counter him, EVEN IN QP)

Pharah and Dva can use their weapons while flying or boosting. Wrecking Ball can’t shoot back.

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There are lot of spots / roof where you can hang as hammond to get a pile driver in and get ult charge. You generaly use that early in the match or between pushes.

IMO, it’s more of a design flaw of the maps (2 CP i’m going to guess) with infinite staling rather than with any specific hero.

I have thought adding a heat meter would be a nice way to curb that habit.

As you roll at max speed, your heat meter starts to fill, what with the ball catching fire and all. Let it fill completely and you automatically exit ball mode.

Just something to make them stop for a moment if they’ve been abusing the tether for hold time.

Actually get good. If you lose to cheese it’s because you’re bad.

If Hammond’s hook gets a time limit slapped on to it, he should in the very least gain complete immunity to CC during it, and instantly break Mei walls he collides with.

Otherwise his hook would be redundant, and in turn Hammond himself too. It already gets countered so hard by the overabundance of other crowd control.

Mccree just hits him with a flashbang and boom, his hook lets go and he stops.

Mei has to hit him with her primary fire only for 0.20 seconds and he slows down for 1.5 seconds, just enough for you and your team to take half of his health bar away.

Ana can easily predict his pattern and sleep him. Sleep will also pull him out of ball mode and reveal his head hitbox / critbox. (As does Reinhardt’s earthshatter)

Sombra’s hack not only cancels his hook, but also puts Hammond back in mech mode revealing his critbox, and prevents him from using his shield. Congratulations, you just turned the “stallmaster” into the world’s greatest ult charge battery.

And let’s not forget all the things that cause knockback and can slow or halt Hammond: Lucio’s boop, Zarya’s alt fire to an extend, Ashe’s force of nature, Orisa’s halt, Reinhardt’s smashing, etc. I could go on.

And uhh… are we forgetting that Hammond often spins in the exact same pattern and has perhaps one of the biggest bodies/hitboxes in the game? At some point even bronze players will recognize the pattern and be able to take down the hamster.

And if not, surely you can just pick the hamster as well and do the same as the enemy Hammond, right? Just spin endlessly around the objective.

If the Hamster is just spinning on point endlessly they are probably not a very skilled hamster player tbh. It might be good for stalling, but its not gonna land any kills (at least not in my rank lol)

Pharah has infinite flight. Dunno what you’re on about.

If u have Problem against a Hammond who is just spinning on the Point then it isnt hammonds fault it is ur or ur Team fault. A Hammond who is just spinning on the Point isnt a good Hammond because it so easy to counter and he mostly just feeds the enemy team

Before u cry on the Forum and want a balanced and easy counterable Hero nerfed u should try to play his hard counters first.

Sombras Hack, Meis icewall, Knock backs and any kind of Stuns can easily stop the Hamster from spinning and Hack also made him useless for like 6 secs

If u really gets annoyed by a Spinning Hamster just play his counters or ask ur Teamates if they can switch to a Sombra or Mei but no it is much easier to cry on the Forum for nerfs and ruin a Hero :woman_shrugging:t2:

I can understand why Blizzard dont listen to the Forum for Balancing i never have see a Master, GM, Top500 or OWL Player complaining about a spinning Hammond and do u know why ? right because in this Ranks mostly ppl know how to stop him

Great display of your ignorance

Pretty sure it’s fine, he is already probably the easiest hero in the game to hard counter.

Have you introduced the Hamster to SATA-… i mean Mei?

She honestly eats Hamsters for breakfast.

I think you’re going about your argument the wrong way. We don’t call for nerfs because a hero is OP. We change our team comp to be more effective against whatever the enemy team is running.

Uh sorry, no. There are many ways to stop a Hammond from spinning infinitely, and even if you dont have any way of slowing him down in your team comp, he still can be shot and killed. That spin is commonly referred to as an aim check, and you and your team need to learn to shoot the ball when he is spinning. This is no different than a Lucio infinately wall riding to stall a point, except Hammond has a much bigger hitbox