Hammon Name Petition

Would you like our new favorite Hamster to be Hammond or Wrecking Ball?

It bugs me that something as long as Wrecking Ball is in the hero select screen. I’d rather them iterate Wrecking Ball through sprays and skins. Wishing he had a more junker looking skin too. But maybe not since he is extremely adpet in craftsmanship.


Hammond, we all know he is like a wrecking ball with his abilities, it’s like calling Brigitte Lady Stuns-A-Lot, we know she does it, doesn’t have to be her name to be noticed.

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He’s going to either be “ham” or “ball” over coms.

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wrecking ball is far better, no one is forcing you to call him wrecking ball when making callouts so stop pretending like you are being forced to call it by its official name

I’m completely fine with Wrecking Ball, and I appreciate the fact that it stands out among the simpler callsigns and the heroes that just go by their real name.

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Hammond just sounds better tho, especially since we’ve been calling him that since horizons release.

But in the lore no ones knows who Hammond is. The world knows him as wrecking ball, that’s his code name, a title he earned and is therefore refereed to by.

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I don’t get what the big deal is, it’s just a name.

He’s the only hero whose name is an object instead of the character’s personal name afaik.

I’d like to see Zen changed to “Buddha Bot,” and Bastion to “Turret Tank” for consistency, please.

That makes sense, he’s most likely gonna end up being called Hammond tho since it’s quicker to say than wrecking ball.

Just like how Winston is just called monkey. Seems about right, it doesn’t need to be official in the hero name for people to call it that.

i prefer wrecking ball tbh, that is just my opinion but i think in game coms hammond will just be called ball its far easier and shorter

And widowmaker is called widow and symmetra is called sym. Calling him Hammond makes sense

It’s just the PTR. They probably thought it would be funny to call him ‘wrecking ball’ but of course some people can’t take a joke…