Halloween Terror Weekly Challenge Problem

I’ve been playing Junkenstein’s Revenge to earn points for the Weekly Challenge, but for some reason it’s giving me either incorrect points or not at all. It took me over 5 wins to get the Player Icon because the first win gave me 2 points but the second win gave me 1 point. Now, I’m trying to win the spray, I’m at 7 points, but after 3 wins, I’m still at 7 points. Is it some glitch or bug?

UPDATE: After posting this, I played the Mystery Swap Challenge mode…we ended up losing. BUT I earned 4 points with that loss. Which I thought was REALLY weird. Lol


also it doesnt count wins when youre in a group we won 4 games and for none of us it counted.


Likewise, winning a trial does not count for victories.


AGAIN!!! Same crap happened in one of the last events. Same bug, same problem, again! FFS… what, everyone to busy looking for JPEGs of bowls of fruit on Google?


Same, won about 5 games in regular Junkenstein’s Revenge on Hard, only the first one actually rewarded me with anything. Gave up and decided to tough it out in QP.


This is a known issue. Play player versus player modes on order to work around.


Ugh, this keeps coming up over and over again. I wish they’d roll back to the old system of weekly challenges until they fix this one. It’s never worked right and it’s frustrating.


Not sure that’s what they’re talking about. There’s also a Challenge Mode, and it doesn’t say what credit isn’t being given.

This is a much older bug that’s been present since the new weekly 30pt system was put in.

The only way I know of to work around is logging out of the game completely and back in.

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Question for you. Did you leave the queue at any time, or just keep queuing for games?

Seems to me it only happens when I go open loot boxes or w/e.

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A bit of both, in the first 9 points, I would continue to queue as well as sometimes I would check after the initial confusion.

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This didn’t work for me

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Hi, I only play junkerstein event on hallowen, and only need 1 point to have the Genji skin. I have played 3 games since that last point remaining and it is not completing.

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Are we going to rewarded retroactively once it is hopefully fixed before the next weekly reward starts?

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No you will not, you still have time to earn the necessary 27 points by playing PVP modes for the Week 1 challenge.

I just had the same issue and I completely exited the game, came back and played MH and finally came through.

How about this? Can blizzard just give the rewards to everyone regardless of how much they play until this is fixed?

I know this is supposed to to be about encouraging people to play the game, but since playing the game doesn’t seem to unlock the reward, the best way to avoid frustrating the player base is to just mark the quest completed for everyone.

People would probably rather have a bug that gives them free items rather than one that denies them items that they have earned.

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how are we supposed to earn the points if we aren’t being awarded them when we win


They said we should play vs modes instead of the Junkenstein modes, that the vs modes don’t have this issue.

I’ve got two problems with this:

  1. The game doesn’t tell you that. I’ve already earned about 25 points of the 28 playing Junkenstein, but only been given credit for 14. I don’t want to redo the whole thing in vs modes with only one day to go.
  2. Junkenstein is the whole point of the Halloween event. I don’t want to play normal modes that I can play any time of year.

In the end, I’m probably just going to sit this one out and forgo the rewards because I don’t want to be made to play game modes that have nothing to do with the event. And I’m going to be angry at blizzard while I’m at it.


Of course the game doesn’t tell you that. Its a bug. It’s listed in the known issues report pinned on this forum, but they aren’t going to take the time to put in user interface to say it right over the play card of that mode itself.

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Thank you for clarifying this, it would be nice if it could be made obvious for those that don’t know to look for this.

Honestly this answer comes across as unnecessarily snarky and condescending. It could have been delivered in a better way. People are frustrated about this issue and this does nothing to mollify or deescalate.