Halloween Terror Skin Ideas?

Lol, mummy bastion…

I want a Werewolf Winston skin!


Carmilla Widowmaker
weeping Angel tracer
UFO and Alien Dva

  • and to change Sombra’s ugly bride skin into a proper Llorona skin
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Warlock sigma give me dr strange blizzard!

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Demon queen Dva with a the mech being her living throne.

Reinhardt from the comics (King/knight) or a duo skin with Zarya. Zarya gets a dragon head as gun and reinhardt wears the body of the dragon as armor (ofc…just the style, not a real body).

Barde Lucio who is part of the Junkenstein’s revenge story. He comments what the other heroes do and takes notes while mumbling. What he tells are exaggerations of the things which annoys the other heroes, especially McCree.

Ashe: Idk…somekind of vampire or werewolf hunter.

Some cosmic skin for Sigma. With a head which looks like the cosmic wings from Diablo 3 or those galaxy mounts from HotS.

And we need a Lich skin…or a ghost for someone.

Edit: Maybe give Zarya also the wings od the dragon as skirt (like this thing from the siberian skin)

I have a strong feeling we’re getting a pirate skin for someone in the roster


Sigma: This guy

Oh, need a cross-universe excuse for how/why is he floating? Just hand wave it as Darth Vader Winston Kaplan force choking him somewhere in the background. :wink:

Come on, let’s get some Disney/Activision-Blizzard licensing going already!

More ideas:

  • Genji: (obviously) Any Jedi, preferrably dressed in their traditional garb.

  • Soldier: 76: Storm Trooper #76

  • D.Va: Tokki as AT-ST

    and Hana dressed as an Imperial officer

  • Mercy: Leia

  • Winston: Chewbacca


  • Pharah: Boba Fett

    Canonically, he’s armed to the teeth. Nothing wrong with seeing him pull out a rocket launcher.

Probably not going to happen:

  • Hammond: BB-8
  • Orisa: AT-AT
  • McCree: Han Solo (if they are willing to remove the hat requirement)
  • Reaper: Darth Vader (Would sport the look well, but not while holding double shotguns)
  • Mercy: Leia, metal bikini slave
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Cultist Orisa

I have wanted mummy Tracer since the first Junkenstein’s event. Just think she’s got the perfect silhouette for it. I can almost picture a few strands of bandages flapping in the wind as she blinks around.

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Stitched Doll Ashe w/ Wooden Bob

Gremlin Tracer


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I’ll say this EVERY time this topic comes up.

Phantom of the Opera Moira WHEN?


Well you only get 4 this year so they better be for characters who don’t have halloween skins yet

Oh boi, cant wait for another reaper halloween skin XD

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Black Powder Bastion

  • old rusted naval cannon with barnacles, white smoke effects and bird poo streaks
  • creaks like old planks
  • companion parrot
  • sea shanty for ulti line
  • chugs rum for self repair
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I’d love to get LeChuck Sigma.

Jeff Kaplan skin, everyone wearing gets their ult changed, this new ult makes a new 2 cp map when used.


Cyber tracer

Dude. It’s a no brainer- he’s a Flying Dutchman.

Maybe a werewolf skin for Baptiste like the old Wolf man movies although Winston would look good too.

Ashe could do with a Halloween skin. There was that Vampire fan art.

Maybe we’ll finally get the Kinghardt, or Genji’s Halloween. I really like the idea of a Lucio bard.