Guys. I'm addicted

He’s not dying, but he is suffering. Basically this, Briggy will help enable Rein on maps he is already good at; King’s Row, Nepal Village, Control Tower. You will also see him being run in a 3 support meta with a Lucio to speed boost onto capture points like 1st point Echenwalde and Volskya.

But the thing is, this is a niche strat that is built around Briggy.
And if the enemy has a Rein Briggy and you are running Rein with no Briggy, you are going to get rolled.

I think when people say Rein is dying, I think they really mean his bugs more than anything. Right now, Reinhardt has a Shield bug, Charge bug, and an Earthshatter bug. That is most of his kit. Here are the videos that show his bugs:

Earthshatter Bug:

Charge Bug:

the same bug but in game

Shield Bug:

And lastly if things couldn’t get any worse, there is a bug that will just kick you out of the game as Rein for inactivity; even when you a re being active:

Reinhardt Inactivity Kick’d out of game Bug:

So when you top everything, the bugs and the power creep that has entered the game… For details on the power creep see this thread:

You start to see a really bad pattern here of a hero that has been very neglected. Is he dying? No. His pickrate is still good because he is 1 of only 2 anchor tanks in the game, and he still commands a good ultimate when it doesn’t bug out. But at the higher ranks, Rein is more a liability.

He is not dying, but he is in a serious position where he could be if he doesn’t get his needed fixes.