Guys. I'm addicted

Give this boy some medicine.

It’s not a Rein play, but since I’m just a big sucker for Total Mayhem, and the fact that you don’t get an environmental feed like this every day:

Not to mention it gave me an instant 2nd Grav :`)


Man, that looks satifying😂

Windows movie maker is ok for a beginner but there’s plenty of good free video editing software like Lightworks.

RichC how do you feel about playing Rein? How will Brigitte effects Rein?
Many said that Rein is dying.

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He’s not dying, but he is suffering. Basically this, Briggy will help enable Rein on maps he is already good at; King’s Row, Nepal Village, Control Tower. You will also see him being run in a 3 support meta with a Lucio to speed boost onto capture points like 1st point Echenwalde and Volskya.

But the thing is, this is a niche strat that is built around Briggy.
And if the enemy has a Rein Briggy and you are running Rein with no Briggy, you are going to get rolled.

I think when people say Rein is dying, I think they really mean his bugs more than anything. Right now, Reinhardt has a Shield bug, Charge bug, and an Earthshatter bug. That is most of his kit. Here are the videos that show his bugs:

Earthshatter Bug:

Charge Bug:

the same bug but in game

Shield Bug:

And lastly if things couldn’t get any worse, there is a bug that will just kick you out of the game as Rein for inactivity; even when you a re being active:

Reinhardt Inactivity Kick’d out of game Bug:

So when you top everything, the bugs and the power creep that has entered the game… For details on the power creep see this thread:

You start to see a really bad pattern here of a hero that has been very neglected. Is he dying? No. His pickrate is still good because he is 1 of only 2 anchor tanks in the game, and he still commands a good ultimate when it doesn’t bug out. But at the higher ranks, Rein is more a liability.

He is not dying, but he is in a serious position where he could be if he doesn’t get his needed fixes.


Here’s a piece from my first post that ended in failure i think these changes to reinhardt would be really good

The once proud tank is now overshadowed by every tank in overwatch and is made a joke out of by brigitte here are some buffs that would feel really good for reinhardt, make his speed with his shield up the same as brigitte’s make it so you can cancel his charge but with a but with tiny delay and make it so he can heal his shield well it’s up at half the rate he can from when it’s down obviously his shield can’t be damaged for a second for the last buff to kick in these changes would make reinhardt feel so much better without making him overpowered.

Did you lose that clip or…?

God this bug is so damn annoying. My friend and I were playing 6v6 comp so I went Reinhardt to shield his bastion, and I was getting marked inactive because I couldn’t deal any damage from where I was (D.Va ate my firestrike).

Blizzard needs to work on their inactivity timers.

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Hammer Noon is also pretty powerful if you time it right.

Nice plays! :>
Rein X Riptire is also amazing.

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The best play I’ve every personally gotten like that was a Mei freezing the other team after Sombra did an EMP on them then I threw my Mech at them. Killed 5/6 of the team. It was beautiful. ;_;

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Ah, so you’re the Reinhardt who keeps appearing with that in my nightmares.

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Meh, I find Grav/Shatter more addictive.

But Shatter bomb is quite fun too.

However, as a Moira main, shatter glowstick is even more fun.


We’re for you RichC. We know you have a problem.


So this becomes a secret trick to kick Rein out of the game?
dont report me dva for exploit…lol

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They’re pretty good, i personally prefer EMP bombs though.

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Nah I still have it I’m just at work so can’t get it, and I’m not level 3 can’t post links/vids :frowning:

So this is the wholesome voice of our RichC.


Guess who got potg in that match? It wasn’t D.Va or my Rein xD