Guild/Clan System needed 2018 plz :(

If the person is being a nice bro, they are incentivized. If they are being a jerk they are penalized.

Hopefully this comes through but I think a guild system would hold the community together like glue.


I can imagine that competitive play might even become More Competitive for some people…

Imagine loading in, Having queued up with an Entire Team of Whatever guild you have chosen, Only to find that you are up against an Entire team of Your guilds Rivals… :smirk_cat: Things would definitely heat up!

It would be like a mini Owl…
And i would Guarantee That you would see less Throwers/Trolls Since they would either be in Widely Hated Guilds of there own (or otherwise Penalized somehow), Aka not on your own team that often… Or simply solo queuing, With less of a chance of being put into these “Guild Teams” With the rest of us.

This would also be a Perfect way to introduce a Role select system… Even if it’s a loose kinda thing, I don’t wanna be in any more dps six stacks… :crying_cat_face:


I Love the idea of some teams becoming iconic in the match maker like this is something that can apply to all levels of play from Bronze - GM . Some of us play in the same rank so we start to remember the same players. This happens to me a lot in Comp but mainly Death match lol. To run into a team with a seance of Identity about it omfg!!!


It could even have a reward system like WoW does. When the clan gets an achievement, something is unlocked, like a skin or a clan spray or whatever.
The downside of having clan skins, from Blizzard’s point of view, is that it could impact the desirability of other skins. “why do I care about skins? I use my clan’s skin, I’m not buying loot boxes because I already have the only skin I need”, etc.

But yeah, an achievement system for the clan would be nice.


If this becomes a reality, I intend to create the strongest Guild on the Xbox Servers. X3 (Because why not)

And maybe Build the same team across both platforms?
Lol! People will fear our name!

They will Tremble at the loading screen!

What if someday…

Teams are researched, And pulled from… In a future version of the Owl?
Like, A Major “Regular” Team Season or something?
(To give random people the chance at climbing the ladder to fame, By joining a Guild? The Best of the best guild players Against each other in an organized Event?)
I am literally taking this too far aren’t i?

I love this idea tho… If guilds were ever actually used in Pro play…
i would die a little. :star_struck:

-ChibiFox :fox_face:

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This is exactly what I thought Overwatch League Contenders was leading up to but I got the bait-n-switch.

For now, if you aren’t in OWL then it’s just you +6 people if you have regulars you play with.

Going forward I would love to see REAL skrims. Not a custom game you invite a bunch of people on an invitation list into. Like actual skrims between actual player teams where decisions are being made like “no don’t play linkdude this round, hes bad on widow, play someone else in our roster”.

That would be so cool.


The features listed above sound like a huge investment. I can’t think of any games that have this kind of integration beyond…well…MMOs. And they usually have it day 1 and update it from there. Just for some perspective:

Starcraft 2 got a clan/guild system a few years back and it wasn’t much more than a chat and calendar system.

I’m not holding my breathe for this huge feature to suddenly surface when smaller (albeit still very complicated) features like replays haven’t even been tackled yet.

I would probably be kicked out of my own guild for main-ing Bastion And Widow… X3 /s

But yea… I would love to see such a structured Clan system, Especially if it works like this…

I’m imagining watching some “Pro players” Steams/YT Vids, Of the Random times they match up against certain Other teams… It would just be Awesome… (And possibly the Funniest thing ever In some cases)
I might even bring me Back To Competitive play…

I would love to Crusader for a clan! Who wants this old dog on their team?


I wrote something very comprehensive up on Reddit about this a few weeks ago. The Clan/Guild system has a lot of problems for OW that games that have it don’t run into, really. Not that it’s a horrible idea, but you really need more than that system to make it work.

I can’t post links, so just remove the space between . and com.

reddit. com/r/Overwatch/comments/7y87hy/jeff_and_the_overwatch_team_admit_they_have_a/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit

I would fight by your side Any Day!!

Keep fighting the good fight, My friend!

I just recently started playing Reinhardt After being inspired by some of your Posts, Actually… And i’m Hooked!
I even won a round of Deathmatch with him. :sunglasses:
Maybe i have found my new main…


this is one of the top 3 things Overwatch players have been asking for since launch. I am all for this and think it is a great idea to help with toxicity also. I won’t go over all the points that all of the fine posters have already made, but to say, I am glad this is a suggestion that will never die.


Second this. It would really add to the longeavity of the game.

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Yes please add guilds :sob: :sparkling_heart: I’ve seen a few people say this, but I also think it would help people on console find friends and people to group up with. And it would just be fun to have for everyone!


Im glad and sincerely hope this happens so our console friends will suffer less. I know discord is not really a readily option for you all :frowning: and combined with the mouse and keyboard users i must say you guys have a true love of the game. I hope we both get this feature soon my comrad


I can’t think of anything bad that guilds would bring, so I’m all here for it :smiley:
I hope they’ll add it one day!


At this point anything is better and the pros out weigh the cons. This community is largely amazing and upbeat. I would love to see the guilds flourish. Sure there will be troll guilds like in any games, but as a whole i know this community will create amazing things. Don’t accept the world as it is dare to see it for it can be!!


Maybe this is interseting too:

Ingame Group Finder.
Just take a look at my Post “No Role Queue. Just an Ingame Groups Finder”
sadly its not possible to post a link.

us.forums.blizzard. com/en/overwatch/t/no-role-queue-just-an-ingame-group-finder/

(delete space between “.” and “com” :smiley:

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Suddenly I’m perfectly fine with a clan system


I remember this being asked before and it went ignored. I don’t understand why this isn’t in the game already. Would make things so much better imo.