Guess what the next hero can do!

so I am guessing the next hero is a new main tank hero that is centered around barriers moving and none moving. He has a canon that he can use if stand still and its pretty deadly when he is moving he is melee.

whats your guess?

I dont think a main tank would have high damage. But as a seperate hero I think a arch shooter like Junkrat but with longer range might be something. (Can shoot widow without LoS)

More CC.
Who knows? Maybe they’ll throw a curve-ball and give us the anti-CC hero we need.
(We all know they wont.)

Reinhardt does have a high damage…

Pretty limited, otherwise all we need is 5 Reinhardts and a support in no limits

I just hope the next hero is not a super stun Brigitte 2.0.

Guess what the next hero can do? Probably something that doesn’t belong in the game, and will further make people not take it seriously.

Let’s look at the toolkits of newly added heroes, shall we?
• Ana: Cuts of healing entirely, can burst heal, puts targets to sleep, and can “nano-boost” targets.
• Sombra: Hacks health packs, hacks players, hacks equipment, can teleport, and can have semi-permanent invisibility.
• Orisa: Reinhardt, but with a better shield, can pull targets around, can fortify themselves (granting them even more defense), has a gun that deals pretty solid DPS, and has an ultimate that boosts the damage of all teammates nearby.
• Moira: Has a AoE cone-based heal, with “lingering” properties, has a soft-lock-on form of damage, high mobility, can throw healing or damaging “orbs” which bounce around, and has a ridiculously long range ultimate.
• Doomfist: All abilities are CC, and is essentially based upon “combo’ing” and 1-shotting targets. Hyper mobility doesn’t even describe his kit.
• Brig: All abilities are CC, has gone through numerous nerfs and STILL is a major problem across all ranks, and created/enabled “GOATs Comp”.
• Hammond: Has a knock-back which—

Know what? You get the point. The game is pretty much a laughing stock at this point, and the devs are constantly adding more and more heroes which further are screwing everything up. There’s so many things that don’t belong in this game, it’s crazy. And no, it has nothing to do with being a “skill elitist”. However, it has everything to do with how much of a CC-filled and cheese-comp mess this game has become.

TL;DR - Probably another hero which strays from the good ole’ days of “Dive Comp”, and overall healthy gameplay.

We don’t need any more heroes!