Guess Roadhog's Buff (or just suggest some)

You’re right, let’s nerf him until he’s the worst hero in the game - it’s not enough being the 2nd worst.

the reason we dont have a bunker comp consisting of full cc right now is because hog is an ineffective off tank

I bet he will be able to hook people through breakable objects again. His ult will give him 50% damage reduction.

Honestly more anti CC would help my playstyle,

did you not read what i said? i said

when i mean counter it i mean “an ability that either prevents cc or makes allies immune to it” not more cc

it is not going to be happening any time soon from the hero release timing track record.

it’s going to be a whole season or two playing against cancer

well cc is kind of a necessary evil. without it dives heroes like genji and tracer would be too op.

CC is going to kill the player base

Well before Roadhog was trash he was able to save the healers from Genji and Tracer and Doomfist.

he was a ranged brigit and everyone that isnt him hated playing against him

Everyone with bad game sense bad movement and bad positioning hated him.

mostly just suffer from bad teammates.

… his hook was pretty much a shield bash that travels and getting hit was death.

you can play around brigit but almost everyone hates playing against her and yea she punishes bad positioning too but she and old hog is/was unfun to play against

He gets rocket boots, he will run like true warhog.

Who isn’t unfun to play against? Mercy?

mercy doesnt CC and shut down players like roadhog and brigit can

Yea that’s the reason she’s probably the only one hero who is not “unfun” to play against. Sorry for my bad england.

All skins are now mankinis.

Thats kind of how everyhero works? i don’t think its fun to get killed by reinhardt, or soldier, or reaper, or mei, or most heroes in the game. the only heroes that are fun to play against are heroes that u can kill easily.

K, well I have head to work… peace. I bet we will see the ptr appear on Thursday.