Grouping in comp inefficient? (not LFG related)

I’m here for the team aspect of gameplay.
Last season I played a lot in competitive groups with buddies, 2/3/4 stacks, and we never really got anywhere.
It was only when I started solo-q that I finally climbed and went from plat to diamond again (been there in a previous season).
Really, weeks of group-q going nowhere, then just one intense full day of solo-q to proceed, why is it like this?
From my experience now this would dictate to avoid comp-groups like the plague and always do solo-q, but I think this can’t be right? Blizzard, what is wrong there? I’d prefer teamplay, but everything points to that being a mistake!

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Wow okay, from the title I thought you meant grouping up as in waiting for everyone and then pushing and that it was somehow innefective
You scared me there

On average, grouping increases your win rate. See Groups and Matchmaking in Overwatch. However, that is only on average. If your friends belong in gold, grouping with them will hold you down. If you and your friends don’t coordinate well, teams that coordinate better will tend to win. When you group, the matchmaker tries to put you against groups of equal size.

Your buddies are playing badly, and you aren’t being able to carry on the average SR of the game.

Facts bro. I’m masters and when I stack with friends who are lower I just never gain SR. It’s not that they’re bad(kinda), but that when playing with lower sr friends, you gain less if you’re higher. e.g. you’re 4.2k playing in a 3.6 game, you’re gonna lose a lot more than you gain. Thus, when stacked with lower friends, even if you go 50% winrate you won’t gain sr