Group penalty is oppressive

A friend and I like to play OW together a lot (almost exclusively 4v4). However, almost nightly the same thing will happen over and over. We duo and lose almost every single game. We decide to split up and both of us win almost every single game (except when it makes us enemies). This happens so consistently that it can’t be in my head. There is just no way I am wrong about this being a thing. I watch the replays of these games and it’s clear my friend and I don’t belong in these games. I might as well be aimboting compared to the player pool we’re in but it just doesn’t matter. Every game is a loss and there is no point in playing with friends.

I make my fair share of miss-plays, bad positioning and ego pushes, but there’s really no point in improving if the matchmaker is going to make sure I lose anyways. Why is this a thing anywhere other than competitive??? I pretty much just hate this game now and I don’t know why I play it. What is the reasoning behind this penalty?

Sounds like you and your duo are below-average


Its not a exactly a penalty, but the matchmaker tries to keep groups of equal sizes together to ensure a fair play experience for all players. I personally don’t agree with the rule but this is what Scott Mercer has said in the past about it.


Why no friendlies competition added as a game mode?

Thanks for the reply. Tbh, our issues might have a lot to do with 4v4 in general being a smaller player pool. It would certainly mean a lot to me if the devs are at least concerned enough to keep an eye on player experience when grouping.

I’m reading through that post and it certainly sounds like Scott has all the answers and there’s nothing wrong, but wouldn’t the system restrict the matchmakers ability to make the best match? No need to actually answer, I’m just thinkin ma thoughts.

The match making system itself needs to be changed ENTIRELY. Which I am a MAJOR advocate first, for separating out the Solo Q and Teamsters (Friends stacks, buddy stacks).

The primary reason for failures of 3s and 4s isn’t really the match maker per se. But The solo Q players are often NEGLECTED by support, for bias of assisting their friends! When it comes to players 5 and 6 in a stack of 4. Solo players are “flying alone”. So teams will support their friends and NEGLECT the PUG. Since they aren’t in their friends group.

If it is MY team, I am going to more than likely just BAIL on anything bigger than a single 2. Because they aren’t going to bother caring enough to heal me. I get 3s and 4s that will do nothing for me on my team and on a 5. I will immediately DUMP the match regardless. They aren’t going to care if I am being healed or not. AT ALL. Then they will complain that I am doing bad. despite their friends-healers aren’t doing a single thing.

It is, what it is. Thats really what it comes down to. Is stacks neglecting and abusing their team mates.