šŸ¦‰ Great news for OWL

I mean, the pros are the ones that didnā€™t want to deal with a Sombra that was marginally better than the previous iteration, and got her nerfed into oblivion.


To be fair, her ultimate is completely BS with any coordination. It shuts down entirely too much on paper, fortunately only a well oiled team can usually capitalize on it.

Hm? Current Sombra has seen a decent amount of pro play rep. It was hackfist and GOATs for the World Cup and contenders in a lot of ways. Itā€™s not like the complaints were just from pros. The forum was full of complaints about the LOS checks and such. It wasnā€™t a purely pro movement.

I disagree with your assessment.

Itā€™s not that surprising though. Blizz already has a track record of rolling out absurd patches.

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So youā€™re saying your want some sort of ā€œBig Healā€ option for our resident necromancer?

How about 100hps or 120hps for the main beam in Valk, but for only 2 seconds, with a 10 second cooldown, as an R ability in her staff?


And itā€™s always been as strong as it is, but itā€™s never been so strong that it was a problem for anyone.

I seem to remember Sombra being outright broken for 4 months, because the pros pushed for Sombra changes that didnā€™t get tested on the PTR. They resulted in a long series of bugs (A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs!).

For the record, even on ladder, Sombraā€™s pickrate was dropping even before the LOS change. No one denies the Hack LOS needed to be fixed, but it was solely the pros that got her changes pushed so they wouldnā€™t have to play against the Sombra that was better in the middle of a fight.

So no, my statement is not wrong. I am not talking about the abomination of SOmbra we have now, whoā€™s sucks at everything sheā€™s supposed to be good at unless youā€™re literally the best player in the world. Iā€™m talking about the Sombra that was mildly useful for 2 weeks in february, the Sombra that pros didnā€™t want to deal with so they had Blizzard ā€œfixā€ her without testing anything.


I was specifically say just ā€œAura healingā€.

I.e. Lucio heal, and Brig inspire.

Well iā€™d agree with most of your ideas for her though, including the ā€˜valkyrie spearā€™ one.

Why not just grey out Brig if Lucio is selected?

It would do basically the same thing.

Really? Granted at my gold-plat level is usually not a problem but the GM games on twitch and the few OWL games Iā€™ve tuned into it was a major factor last season. Did you not see the same?

No, because Sombra was never had a high enough pickrate for it to be a problem. EMP and the followup of a team can decide a fight, but so can Graviton, Earthshatter, and Blizard. You can Track a Sombraā€™s ultimate fairly easily.

It wasnā€™t just the pros pushing for that. You realize that, right?

Changes wouldā€™ve happened regardless. It just happened faster than usual. I donā€™t mind that taking place, as the original LOS issues were straight broken.

So she was only useful when her hack ability was broken to the point of guaranteed? And even then her ladder stats didnā€™t go crazy or anything?

Yeahā€¦ I disagree with your assessment. Not disagreeing really on what happened, but your take on it seems too personal imho.

Iā€™m good with the idea of balancing the game such that double-off healers isnā€™t all that good except for lazy low tier games.

Remember that whole I donā€™t want people playing a character they donā€™t like thing Kaplan said when denying hero bans? Same applies here

The difference with a lot of those ultimates is you could have a chance to counter ultimate and not be steamrolled. Sombraā€™s ultimate is just way too oppressive in my mind.

Donā€™t get me wrong, as a hero as a whole she feels lackluster in many categories ā€“ especially because sheā€™s in the loosely defined ā€œdamageā€ category.

I honestly feel like her hack and 10x more so her ultimate are too polarizing to make her even a remotely good DPS. Thatā€™s my problem with her design.

Why would making it so 2 heroes donā€™t synergize together make it so that the hero is equivalent to being banned outright?

Double off healer was the actual main competitive comp for much of the timetime of the game. Thereā€™s no reason it shouldnā€™t be viable.

Except for the whole ā€œitā€™s almost impossible to make TripleHealer a subpar option if Lucio+Brig strongly synergize together.ā€

Because people want to play Lucio, regardless if someone auto picked Brig.

I think Brig just breaks the game in so many ways she should be completely reworked from the ground up.

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