Grav is too strong

Agreed, Zarya’s ult is only an issue because Hanzo got the insane buff and dive fell off the face of the earth.

Zarya isn’t good against dive at all, as soon as dive becomes more viable, she will drop in winrate and pickrate because her compositional counter will be more common.

False dilemma.

Grav+Dragon, in and of itself, isn’t any stronger now than it was since Grav got its most recent buff. Why is it so oppressive now? Because Hanzo+Zarya was super weak against dive. It was the Hanzo buffs + Brigitte that made dive a suicidal endeavor. Previously, the risk inherent of running Zarya+Hanzo is that poking for ults wasn’t practical because Genji/Tracer/Winston/D.Va would run your team ragged, since dive simultaneously countered Zarya and Hanzo. Running Hanzo was also super-risky if the enemy team had a competent Pharah since it made it even more important to have a Pharah counter (e.g. D.Va or Hitscan) likely leaving you with Zarya+D.Va, a less than optimal tank combo, or Hanzo+Hitscan, which isn’t that great against dive.

Want this “poke for grav+dragons” game to go away and for double snipers to go away, Hanzo needs to be tuned down and dive needs to be able to perform better against the heroes it’s supposed to counter.

Hanzos ult isn’t supposed to be very powerful because his ability to murder everything with his primary fire is potentially insane.

I’m totally happy for Zarya and Hanzo to be meta though. They dont deserve to be forced out by dive.

Gravitron should be able to be meta AND to have counterplay.

Simple make it so Dragon can’t be damage boosted. Every other combo is a lot harder to pull off successfully.

There is another option: play the high ground.

Graviton Surge is like communism, once you are in it, it is too strong to resist. You become one with the communism

But it’s not hard to do other combos. One hero having an ultimate that’ll sometimes save you from it just isn’t enough to warrant such an easy teamwipe.

You can save yourself from nearly every other ultimate with a bit of mobility or a bit of barrier or a bit of damage, but not gravitron.

Most other ults can be stooped by shields, cc, or being shot.

Yeah, why not gravitron? Why can Rein’s ult be stopped by barriers, be reasonably avoided by mobility and be stunned out of, but with Zarya people are cool with “hey this one hero will maybe save you if he spends his ultimate and youre a tank, otherwise you’re going to die with very little effort”.

Why does everyone think she is overpowered? It’s not like her ult can solo anything but people with very low health. I’m no Zaria specialist but her ultimate seems lackluster aside from the fact it in essence roots people to the location. It’s up to whether your team can counter what comes next. So many ultimates can kill people why not lower their damage then? Cuz nerfing her ultimate is like taking away others ultimate damage.

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Grav does stop when it hits a shield. And requires another ult to follow up to have a chance to kill tanks.

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Grav deploys when it hits a shield, it doesn’t dissipate like Rein’s.

Barriers won’t save you.

I think Mercy rework affected this meta too. With mass rez gone, the only way to counter graviton combo is Zen. I mean I am seeing Ana picks just to counter Zen and with that the only way to counter the combo is splitting up.

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You can say that about any pro play though. By that logic, Earth Shatter, Dragonblade, Pulse Bomb, etc. are “too strong” because pro players can get them fast. Also protip: if you and your team keep feeding Zarya and not countering her, she’s gonna do more damage and get grav more.

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Only if you’re too close to the barrier.

And trust me you don’t need to be protected from the grav. It’s pitiful 24 damage isn’t killing anything.

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It does have counterplay. Genji can deflect it, D.Va can eat it, Orisa can screw it up with good barrier placement. Your team can spread out. You can run heroes who make it tougher for Zarya to gain ult charge (like a DPS-heavy comp that outranges her beam and doesn’t stay clustered to mitigate her alt fire).

Sadly, spreading out is suicide because current Hanzo is a death machine. You have to stay behind a shield or dive him. And you normally can’t dive him because of Brigitte.

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The point is that if they were playing any other hero to the same degree of skill, their ult would charge even faster.

And Zarya does little besides ult