Gotta admit it's mighty dps dependent in the low ranks gold and lower

On an ana only account i had i was climbing with a 43 percent winrate at one point becuase i was getting like +40 on wins and like -13 on losses again it’s just excuses your making to avoid introspection that’s a defensive instinct you have to overcome


This is happening also, people not knowing stigmas kit and play style.

I have started to climb to be fair, got 100 Sr last night, so may be the dps arent rated correctly yet and perhaps they are still adjusting to their real Sr?

Maybe people haven’t settled to their true rank yet.

Ana has a high skill cap, so you are correct that would exist, but less so for others. The variance / standard deviation determines the bonus or handicap on the Sr.

It’s true of any hero if you do better than others on that hero you will climb and get higher than average gains full stop

Yes that is correct but the nature of the characters performance variance is what determines that bonus. The bands depend on the skill cap. Since the variance is skill becomes more splayed the bands change, if everyone did the same there would be no bonus/handicap. Outside of the Sr match up of the two teams.

At your sr there is plenty you can do to differentiate yourself no matter the hero is my point

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Just swap to DPS and no problem

sometimes it is your dps but honestly its going to probably be your supports or tanks that are the problem. Dps has the lowest demands in terms of game awareness especially in lower elo.

Tanks have to really keep an eye on what is going on and be prepared for flanking ultimates and what not.

I have played 2 dps games. One I made adjustments and won on the other was pretty much hopeless my orisa simply refused to press w even after the enemy team lost BOTH of their supports.

In the games where your tanks are players that are trying to dodge long que times and have no idea how to tank… good luck winning those games.

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Yes when I do win I do get a lot of sr so that is correct. Even in random systems you can have multiple one sided results in a 50/50 coin toss. I may be on the bad end of rng right now.

I do admit I have started to climb.

I would definitely go back and rewatch your games. Just make sure there wasn’t anything you could of done…

I thought something similar on a couple of games, watched it back, and indeed the DPS did suck, but I spotted as Rein a couple of things I could of done to help them, and then maybe they wouldn’t of performed so bad.

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Personally, I’m coming to the conclusion that we are still going through Sr correction and this is part of the recalibration.

Once everyone settles out at the appropriate sr, I should be where I was.

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My losses have come from a collection of things.

Cheaters on the opposing team.
Not getting heals as DPS.
Tanks thinking that Roadhog and Zarya are a great combo.
Reinhardt that only wants to swing hammer
Intentional throwers
Reaper+Mei combo that feels impossible to counter in solo queue.
Teammates that are drawn to Zarya’s bubble like a moth to a flame.

With it being early into the season, most of the cheaters that threw games last season are still climbing up. People are still doing placements on their 5+ account. Then there’s the issue of people looking at this season as a throwaway season.

With the lack of authority that’s been displayed in this game, since day one of comp, it’s impossible to definitively determine what’s actually the causes of most things.

You literally blame everyone but yourself… even though you are the common factor in every game. Quit worrying about others and focus on your game play. What can you change to counter the enemy team. Where can you position to save the idiots on ridiculous flanks. Should you play a shield tank or a dive tank based off of your comp. Who is the biggest threat on the enemy team, how do you handle it.

If you think games are DPS dependent, that might be why you fell down to silver as a support.

Btw your accuracy for Ana is 13% at 18 hrs played. Even if you spam healed teammates, thats either bad aim or too much reloading to be plat.
Overbuff puts your healing at 41st percentile. It last updated when you were in gold where you had a 44% winrate with her.

You were struggling when you were in gold.
Sounds silver 3 me.


While that may be true if the enemy team runs pharmacy and your dps dont change to counter that you will have almost imposible task to kill that as support or tank

Actually I still preheal quite a bit and they are all misses.

I do spam a lot, but my elims / 10 minutes is usually at 10 - 12, k/d at 1.8, heals usually between 7.5 - 8 / 10 minutes.

My stats have consistently placed me in Plat when I was in upper gold/ plat.

I did spam a lot of losses 300 Sr wise the night before the end of season but that’s another story altogether, but at least we are talking about objrctive numbers now.

Lol, and gold 4 isn’t silver 2 even for over buff but good try.

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your kd 1.8-1 on which support hero?

Ana, it should be on this profile since it’s open.

I believe the upper plat runs at 2.0.

countering isn’t even that important, it’s way more effective to build team comps with synergies

you don’t have to switch off junkrat if the enemy has a pharah for example when your other dps is a widow

What happens if you don’t have the hero depth to do those changes?

That’s the issue there are. Multiple ways to approach it but no changes made even though asked.

well then you are clearly deserving a loss, and my point was, maybe you don’t need to change, so…