Gotta admit it's mighty dps dependent in the low ranks gold and lower

but no response to my paragraph after that. i ruined two games with my garbage dps just so i can try and start placing in that category. i would never play dps otherwise… this is happening. im sorry u dont see it.


You have this stupid mentality that you either carry or lose. You won’t win every game no matter how good you are, but if you are truly above the rank you currently are, you will climb. 5 Golds and a platinum will win much more often than 6 golds. Its simple


Since the massive buffs to dps to nerf goats, it has meant on ladder each game is decided by who has good dps.


I don’t disagree that I personally can play bad. Again, in the lower elos the skill cap for healing is generally a lot lower than all. Then it’s tanks. Then it is dps.

So what I’m saying is that the bands of quality for healers tend to be grouped together more than the tanks and least for dps.

Dps then has the highest impact in the game.

The chance of you getting a outlier healer or tank that will loose it for you is much less than the dps because the stand deviation from. The average is a lot less.


I’ve done it multiple times across multiple accounts on every role there is no such thing as being held back by outside forces. This isn’t an attack on you or any other lower bracket player it’s just the truth and potentially helpful advice. If your openminded and admit to your flaws you will get better but first you need that intellectual honesty. No one is perfect not even pros so stop expecting yourself to be


I’ve done the bronze to diamond climb on another account. I get what you are saying but it just feels different cause I can’t flex out and assist.

I can’t pull by diamond pharah out and fill a gap when the dps is struggling anymore.


no, if you’re good you will allow your team to play well. yikes you hardstucks have a garbage mentality


Actually i’d aruge tank is the highest impact role


Yeah main tank is by far highest impact role


Tanks are more important in the higher Elo definitely.

I think lower elos its more dps dependent.

The transition occurs at high gold low. Plat.


That’s a symptom of low elo tanks being way to overwhelmingly passive. Not tanking magically losing impact


Please refrain from such language, try to keep a civilised discussion.

It doesn’t matter how good you are and how good you’re playing, if the team isn’t working you’re at a disadvantage. The problem with the system currently is that it’s quite susceptible to poor teammates, and you can’t do much about it. With 2-2-2 it’s even more apparent, since you can’t change to pick up the slack. If the opposing team have 2 functional DPS players and you have only 1 because the other is throwing, you’re not going to win.

And since the SR system is build in such a way that winning gives less than what losing takes away, you’re in essence punished by choices you can’t do anything about. If you’re a tank you can’t pick up the slack of underperforming DPS players.


Yes… If they are being idiots… adjust your strategy to empower your teamates.

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If your teamates are taking up bad positions, walking off alone, etc… go with them. you cannot control their character, you can control yours. You can run whatever strat you want but if the teamates are not with you you die. So adjust to them and empower them to win.

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You mean, GAME the system. Once you dps Moira your way back to plat you can play Ana and really support your team again.
Yes it’s a proven tactic to climb but it’s unrelated to the topic. Not to mention OP already said he’s not a dps Moira.

I guess stupid is harsh language.

You are still have the same mentality though. You act like your team is always dysfunctional and the other team is perfect and working together. No, its not like that. The other team has the same problems as you. They’re the same players in the same rank. I’ll use the same analogy. If one team has 6 golds and your team has 5 golds and a plat, who do you think wins? The team with plat. Teammates may lose you some games but trying to say that every game you lose is because of your team is ridiculous and there is no argument to be made.

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If you wanna play support, and you want to climb… play moira… I am not saying be a dps moira… im saying even in low elos derpy doos tend to be like OOOO SHINY BEAM… and walk into the enemies when its going. It is an automatic que for people to engage. Its not about the damage it is about using one of the fastest charging ultis to bait their ultis or to win the fight and then get it again.

If your getting less for a win than you lose for a loss it’s becuase your underperforming.
Also the enemy team is more likely to have ‘throwers’ than your own team
Furthermore you can win a 5v6 let alone a game with a single underperforming player and i have done many times


Its really not even worth trying to work with these people because everything they do is someone elses fault. If you really believe you cant climb because of other people than you just need to give up because that mentality will get you no where in overwatch or anything in life.


Actually, the bands for performance are nested closer together for healing so to really outperform for more Sr is harder to do.

You really have to be an outlier. So the team Sr match up really dictates the win / loss Sr gains more than anything else.

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