🛰 Goodman talks about Nerfs and Buffs (Updated with New Video(s) about this Topic. Ironic?)

To be fair, the thread is about what Goodman said, and he talked about Mercy, so I guess the thread is about Mercy as well ¯_(ツ)_/¯

no problem, i try to avoid talking about mercy as well, but its difficult if it keeps popping up every time , but i digress., thanks for the understanding,
and have a nice day.

You are absolutely right.
Instead of addressing tracer and genji directly at the time of the dive meta problem, they decided to add a hero that hardcounters them and then the problems snowballed from there, with nerfing Brigitte to the ground, power creeping healing and burst damage of dps to the point of no return.

We are in a vicious cycle with more and more dps heroes getting burst one-two shot abilities and as for armor, something that has been stable ever since release, its being fundamentally changed to the detriment of all tank players, until they are no more than just shield bots.


I agree with what you say, but he only said what they are currently planing to try, not that its 100% going to happen or how exacly they want to do that.
And we still are getting new heroes, maybe one that prevents Zarya from getting to strong, who knows.

No opinion on that, because the patch is 2 days old. And the outrage about that is silly.

Forum mercy mains said that, not all mercy players.
Mercy will be in this state as long as rez is a thing.

In my opinion the heavy reliance on teamplay is the very reason the game is in the state it is currently.
And iam looking forward to less team dependance.
I really mean less and not, no teamplay/team dependance at all.

You are wrong when you say dps are not team dependent, they are heavily depending on tanks and other dps. (making space, blocking dmg, target calls)
And supports are depending on the dps for backline protection.
Which role depends on what other roles, depents on the meta and strategy applied.

Five month later

Shadow step now reload reaper guns.


If they made a single comment about how we feel she is more of a sidekick, less fun/engaging, or not having her own hero moment, then yes, I would be personally, because that means they actually read the feedback. With all their comments about Mercy, NONE OF IT has addressed what we complain about.

“Mercy is fine statistically and she’s viable. HaVe yOU SeEn whAt aSHe CaN dO WiTH a mErCy?”

Yeah, what ASHE can do - which is exactly one of our problems with Mercy. And they’re using it as a reasoning for her being fine. One of the things we hate. Is what they use to justify her. LOL it’s so dumb and they obviously have no idea what our concerns are. They don’t care.


Role Queue is harder than it seem. Beside giving massively longer queue times, there are heroes that sometimes are played off role. Like Zen or Brig or Hog could be in the dps slot instead of tank or healer, or how sombra was once played in the healer spot.

This seems like an excuse to me

“Role queue will be too long”

proceeds to add LFR into the game with role queue

Seems like Blizzard are either full of it or have very short memories

The sad thing is the game is fallen in a MUCH farther position from team dependence and strategy than what it used to be S4 and earlier. Back then you had to play around certain abilities, such as Hog combo, Mass Res, DM, Genji (with a bunch of things they’ve removed/nerfed from his kit), Soldier’s stronger damage, Teleporter/Shield Gen, etc. Things that actually required you to work more strategically in both positioning and executions have basically been removed for a M1 + W combo with ult spam that requires absolutely no thinking. It’s ruining the game. Those evils that were removed kept the game in a healthy feeling balance state because it required you to actually think. It kept the game fresh, even if they were annoying to deal with. And they’re removing or needing tf out of anything that makes you think otherwise because it’s “annoying to play against”. Hog has proven time and time again that he was DESIGNED for that hook combo, but they won’t do anything to legitimately fix it or make him worth picking and they won’t rework him either, so he’s just left to rot in a terrible design they won’t fix.

Sorry, I started ranting. Lol

A lot of these reworks and balance changes just make the game feel worse and worse and more brain dead to play. It’s terrible.


So it’ll be over 12 months of development time, all spent on trying to fix one broken hero?

Are you actually serious? Is that why we’ve had no real content other than patches to dial back Brig for 12 months?


no mention the 7 million players (not only Mercy players) who stopped playing the game when Mercy´s rework has launched

There I leave the message when I went crazy and completely lost the faith


you can’t compare LFG to a proper role queue.
Also, the problem aint’ just how hard it actually is to implement on a programming level, but because it would make them enforce a specific comp… and that’d go against overwatch.
Also, it wouldn’t solve anything really. There will always be a 6 hero meta that doesn’t allow any other hero to play.

I think a ban system is a better altrnative to help with balance

They’re fully aware, they just disagree with your complaints. They’ve been pretty clear about how they feel regarding Mercy and how they’re satisfied with her statistics. Because the community is the only one complaining, don’t expect any changes any time soon. I’m sorry you think ‘Q to win’ is fun and more tech in her mobility isn’t. Get over it already please.

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Without role queue you cant have role specific SR which is what i want most of all.

There is nothing worse than having someone fill a role they don’t know how to play…its not as bad as throwing but its still pretty bad

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i already apologized for assuming that’s what most people want!
and i’m not the only person who wants a Valkyrie change!

Yeah…no, sorry not liking where this is going still, not gonna say thanks I like what you say.

yeah sorry, i was a bit to fast with that one. i should read the thread till the end.

No dash lol Reaper will one shot the squishes like its nothing.

I get the problem with this hero because you cant really make him super mobile because he will just one shot everyone. The only thing i can think of would be some sort of defensive ability. Genji is a perfect blend of escape and defensive. Deflect used in those situations where bullets are flying.

-Maybe allow reaper to go through walls or solid objects based on where the shadow step portal is located. Would make for some good flanking and even escapes. It would be an animation btw it would be a portal you can walk through and only reaper. Get into a gun fight in a room and you can either wraith form out or portal out. The only bad part would be the bugs like having a portal that leads off the map lol.

I understand this but he needs some kind of defensive ability if its not a mobile one. Something to keep him in the game and having a higher skill cap to master.

Zarya has benefited massively from the armour nerfs and she’s already a staple pick, this is just going to make her a must pick.
They cannot seriously be thinking of buffing her.