Goodbye flex players

I’ve spent all my time in this game learning when and how to switch to different heroes and roles when it’s necessary and now all that is going to poop.

It would be nicer if we could switch between roles MID-GAME instead of being forced to play a specific role. Might as well force us to play one hero the whole match then.

So I guess One Trick Ponies get their wish and flex players get to die off.


i got some advice if you learn to press “q.” you win games instead of lose them in most cases if you can press q effectively


I’m starting to feel like these “flex players” can’t actually flex very well.


It’s not like I try to play every hero in the game.

I main Zarya on tank, Sombra as DPS and Lucio as healer. In instances where my team needs to switch out whatever role we can’t do that anymore.


Care to explain? I wonder if you don’t know what ‘flex’ play refers to.


Just my opinion on the flex situation


Most can’t.

Many of them call themselves ‘flex’ if they can play only two heros. There is also a huge difference between knowing how to play a hero vs playing a hero well.


by flexing, you mean throwing. game really doesnt things like need masters support mains breaking out their plat level main tank play in a masters game etc.


Guess ill have to practice as much tanks as possible…

thats by far my widest hero pool

Gotta learn zarya, shes the one i know the least


I can easily assume how to flex to hero picks in a role lock. Go ahead and throw some compositions my way and let’s see how we can flex.

Flex doesn’t necessarily means between roles. Different tanks, healers and DPS are good for different situations and being able to switch between them considering the heroes in the game is a case of flexing.


I do. I have made a real effort learning every role. I can still flex In a role to accommodate team comps.

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The healer we have on our team isn’t doing so hot and believes he/she would be better as a DPS.

without role lock we can switch up the composition and allow me to be a healer that might do a better job, and he might kick some butt as a DPS.

With role lock however he is stuck playing a healer in a situation he/she isn’t comfortable with.


I mean you’ll have people flexing in their roles, but yeah it ain’t happening anymore when switching roles. Kinda great, but I fear some issues would be present soon.

Why sign up for healer when they want to play dps. That’s silly. 2-2-2 comes with the understanding that players get to play what they want.


Then he queues for DPS. He can also do a good job DPS/healing as Zenyatta, Baptiste, Lúcio, Brigitte.


Not really, the only difference will be that Flex players will have shorter qs, since they can see which q has less people and roll it.

And if blizz starts giving rewards to less picked roles, like, let’s say, tank, they will have more things/ exp. I mean, in ff xiv you are rich by either being a flex player (and picking the adventurer in need qs) or crafting A TON of stuff.

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I’m a flex and I have been waiting for this for too long. Realistically speaking, if you flex to a different role midgame people will start flaming you and reporting you.


Changing within a role is not ‘flex’ play. ‘Flexing’ is only when you change or exchange role. Going from one DPS character to another does not qualify, though even that is not something everyone can do.

Actual flex play is straightforwardly removed with role-lock.


Never said they wanted to start as a DPS only that they signed up to play healer but the situation and team comp aren’t meshing well with that players skill set. So as a result they feel it would be better to switch to another role so our team can be more effective.

With role lock; what do we do? Just let the healer have a bad time and lose the game?