Good bye sinatraa a good move!

Eh, not really. In Valorant it’s a lot easier to make up for and underperforming teammate, still hard but not impossible. In overwatch you can as well but it’s a lot harder as it’s not just a one and done deal, they just keep feeding ult charge which makes it incredibly annoying lol

It really isn’t. Give me an actual argument explaining why. Because mine is that Valorant places a heavier emphasis on mechanical skill than OW.

I’d rather stay away from a company that require an always on anti-cheat detection, even when you’re not in game, thank you very much.

Ahhh. I did not know that. Soooo ALL maps are open except the 2 you mentioned for re-work?

Hmmm. Sounds like a lot of people were ticked enough then about the map ban (reverted from what you said) which happened quickly. (Valorant?)

Role Queue already has an arcade rank mode of how comp used to be pretty quickly as well. Seems popular as well. Not to mention they tried a 1-3-2 earlier as well.

Hero bans. Haven’t heard any positive comments about this.

Maybe Blizzard will actually listen to the players vs their pros since Valorant seems to already be doing damage.

Not 2 years… Peak OWL was last year, it was the best, and will remain the best. Sure it was mostly Goats, but Goats was peak player coordination, they were moving and working together as a single unit (the top 6 teams at least), and then when Shanghai Dragons dominated in Stage 3 Playoffs using a DPS meta vs Goats, the most dominating meta, it was honestly the highest peak of Overwatch. Dragons vs Shock Stage 3 Finals was the best match in OWL history, even better then the Grand Finals.


And then Blizz felt they had to force 222. Ruin dps queue times, cause a bunch of people to quit… in exchange for more boring matches, more frustrating gameplay.
I think role queue was a lose/lose.

If i were them, i’d turn it off and just say “Overwatch was meant to be whatever the players decided to play” and stop trying to decide for us.


Indeed, they did say that role queue was in production for a year, and that the beta form was the LFG feature in game, that was pretty much the determination to see if people would accept it or not.

But overall, I feel like hero bans is a superior feature then role queue, hero bans would still spin the meta about, but it would be more then just two metas, especially with Echo in the picture now.

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I like this quote. Honestly i’m surprised it’s not something they believe in.

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but they do believe in it! Can’t find the original quote but “your team cant force you to play something, and the game certainly wont either” or something along those lines…

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“Well, besides forcing you to play one role…”

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didn‘t say it doesn‘t. it‘s heavily dependent on mechanics. but on the other side also on camping, standing still while shooting, playing hide and seek on the map and waiting for an eternity if you die.

all abilities are only usable once or sometimes twice. just imagine tracer only doing one jump forwards per match, lol. abilities feel bland and useless often enough.

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Depends on the abilities. The smokes are great for cutting off sight lines, allowing safer rotations. And the blinds are insanely powerful. Of course Sage’s abilities are all extremely strong too. And anything that offers sights.

What they should do then? People had enough of old competitive with people picking mostly dps heroes.

Are you high?
In Valorant everyone is “equal” when it comes to weapons, you don’t have someone whose pistol one-shots while the other’s does 10 dmg. In Valorant you can single handedly win rounds based on your skill, regardless of the hero you chose. I’d like to see the same done in OW with an Orisa 1v6’ing and taking the point.

I bet my butt cheeks he’s gonna change his mind come overwatch 2

you realize that this won‘t be doable in ranked, or are you really this naive? even in valorant you will get to a 50:50 winchance at your skilllevel. and a little bit later a lot of smurfs and throwers.

ow is indeed more character dependent and just another type of game. it‘s like comparing chess to monopoly lol.

You made a post a couple days ago about considering going for T500…

Around high plat/low-mid diamond in Overwatch, completely littered with hackers/cheaters…

Dudes who literal don’t use the cool downs because they’re literally just no-miss landing headshots on Ashe… Very obnoxious… :unamused:

Nah… Role queue added a much needed structure to the lower ranks of Overwatch. I would agree that you don’t need it in like masters+ but plat and below are not capable of running successful 2-2-2, much less 1-3-2, 3-3 or anything else…