Golden Weapon Missing?

I unlocked golden weapons for genji on Season 3 I remember this clearly because I dont play that much and I only had 1 golden weapon to unlock ever. Somehow after coming back this season i go to my heroes and Genjis Golden Weapon is locked?? How??


I’m having the same issue. I purchased the Torb gold weapon last season, but now it’s missing. Has your issue ever been addressed?

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I used to play this hame a lot, and I used to be good at it. I stopped playing for about a year because of the toxicity, but have recently decided to play again. But upon my return, I don’t have the golden weapons that I distinctly remover buying. I remember getting one for all of the classes. I had Winston’s, which I no longer have. I had bastions because I remember trolling my friend with it and getting it on a dare, and I remember getting widow makers because another one of my friends was a widow main and showed me how good they looked. I’m not saying that I want them for free I would just like to know what happened.

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