Gold Weapons are the only worthwhile cosmetic

You have to commit yourself to the God awful comp mode and stick to it for hours and you can’t get them just by being rich.


I mean, yeah, but honestly I don’t use them on every hero.
Like I have Soldier-24 Reaper and I love it because it’s Reyes in his Camo-Military suit, giving him gold weapons would be kinda gangsta, but no.

Soldier on the other hand has the gold skin, fitting.
Lucio has the golden frog, fitting.
Torbjorn has the Magni skin, VERY fitting.

It depends, you need a good matching skin, imho.

Ehhh they’re gaudy and they don’t match most skins.

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I have a ton of points, and only a few of the guns, because I just can’t see why I would want to use them. They don’t match, and gold is not the greatest color out there…

Golden weapons also doesn’t mean your any good, just you grinded a lot of competition mode games.

I don’t understand why they dont add more skins. Also im pretty they give out points in QP now too

Be careful because after the Halloween update those who had Junker Queen’s golden weapon, it is not missing and locked.

They need to release heroes at a faster pace because I am starting to run out of golden guns to buy.

My only heroes that are currently missing golden weapons are Junker Queen and Lucio.
Come on Blizzard.

skill issue, still have mine

Do you still have your JQ’s golden weapon? Many reported that it is happening to the newer heroes, but more specifically with JQ.

yes, its clearly a skill issue

Not really, but darn if only I had your “skills”.

Gold weapons are tacky, and there should not be such a large incentive to play Competitive. People should play it because they want serious games.

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I mean you can, just not legit. People were buying boosts all the time in OW1. Also wouldn’t give Kotick any idea’s. Next thing you know they will be offering a five times multiplier gains on comp tokens under some super mega premium battlepass or some other non-sense.

There’s a lot of reasons why competitive in OW is a joke, and grinding golden guns is no less of a reason than any other.

They’re ok. I don’t know if I can personally be bothered sitting throigh comp though just to get them. You would hqve thought they could have had some other fun rewards/variations out by now that you could get but its been the entire life cycle of OW1 and now into OW2 and i haven’t even unlocked a gold weapon skin for a quarter of the characters. Granted I would only get them for characters I use anyway so I currently have them for Moira, Mercy, Brigitte, Winston, Sigma, Orisa, Junker Queen and Soujourn. I don’t know who else I would even want them for so would be nice if there were other reward options from comp so I could just get multiple things for the ones I mainly play, rather than farming the same reward for over 6 years.