Something I’d add is “impact”.

Doesn’t matter if I stay alive and get gold everything if gold damage and kills is really low as I’m playing the damn support…

But if I were to play a dps and be at least doubling those numbers, then I think we’d be talking.

yeah here is the thing about impact. The general rule of thumb especially in lower elo is someone on the opposing team is doing the carrying probably.

You will win more games realizing who that person is. usually its a dps even though you can without a doubt carry as tank or support. The problem I run into often when I play silver games is the enemy team will realize I am a problem start to focus the hell out of me and then I have totally switch up how I play.

I cant count how many games I have lost cause I would be focused yet distract 2 players of the opposing team but my team cant seem to win a 5v4 in our favor… It makes me want to throw my monitor across the room.

Some games you really do have to break your back to win and others I can play drunk literally have my team carry me as 100 percent deadweight which makes me question why I bother sometimes.

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I looked you up on overbuff. MEMEMACHINE#21948

Your aim is actually the problem. Your soldier aim is 33%? That’s your most played character and your best winrate, but it’s the 40th percentile in terms of aim… Next is hanzo… 29% and 24th percentile.

Go ahead and compare that to my aim. LuckyDiver#1919. I am 90th percentile for most of the characters I play. I’m also in diamond right now, which is the top 10% of players. You’re in mid-gold, which is about 40th percentile. Neat, right? It’s like maybe you’re lying about how good you are.

How about this. Post on the account you have been climbing with. Then maybe we can believe you :slight_smile:

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So far it just shows that winning 9 out of 10 placed you in Diamond. :stuck_out_tongue:

But jokes aside, if you want to support your claim, then play 100-200 games on both accounts with similar heroes and attitude (meaning that, to prove your point you might actually play worse on your gold account subconsciously, which is something you should be aware of, so you can avoid it).

The system just can’t know how good you are in the first 10 games. That’s why MMR is calculated by about 100-200 games history and the rank is more stable the more your play.

I mean when I placed my second account it placed at around 2300ish while I was 3300ish on my main account. It took me like 30-40 games to get to Diamond with it. Now I am 3700 on my main account (decaying currently though) and my second account is just at the same SR after playing both of them for enough time.

Only playing enough games will give you a reliable result which might be that your Gold account is too low and your Diamond account is too high so they both end up around 2800 for example.
If they don’t get anywhere close to each other even after 100-200 games, then you have an example of a broken rank system that you can use. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool statistics, ever shoot at walls randomly when playing dps? it lowers it, and most of these games ive played ive been heavily sleep deprived, that being said

look up hitscanSan#1121 , 32% weapon accuracy with mediocre stats aswell, kids been to GM. u know why? target priority, positioning, ult usage. Nobody cares if u can hit roadhog 1000 times in the tummy, it doesnt win u games.

But jokes aside, if you want to support your claim, then play 100-200 games on both accounts with similar heroes and attitude (meaning that, to prove your point you might actually play worse on your gold account subconsciously, which is something you should be aware so you can avoid it).

I keep seeing this as if it means anything. You dont lose in a lower bracket cause you are throwing or subconsciously trying to prove a point. you simply cant play the same way in a lower bracket.

Tanks dont push as effectively supports dont prioritize targets as well. YES your enemy players are better but so are your teammates. I dont sit there in silver all the time subconsciously throwing to prove a point. Although I do laugh at the stuff I see down there and the boneheaded stuff that still is SO common down there. It is honest to god easier to win at 2100 than it is at 1600, It’'s just how it is I am sorry to burst your bubble or offend anyone with that statement.

I play support at times down there and I am like dude you dont see how out of position that mcree is etc.

Honestly the big difference between silver and gold besides the fact that gold has more comms is really bad positioning starts to get punished

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The difference is that he maintains that accuracy at master rank, a rank where people are way more mobile than lower ranks.
You on the otherhand complain here how gold people stand still and still miss shots.

Funny how you can link somebody else their profile but still haven’t linked your own “main”. Story gets less legit the more you talk.

At this point that’s all you did, create a story. A story filled with lies.

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No doubt you cant compare stats across brackets. Of course masters arent going to move like bots.

But even in silver now people are starting to A D spam and jump around like monkey to avoid taking damage. I dont think anyone really moves in a totally predictable way on a regular basis even in low gold anymore.

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Ooh I know, the difference between low bracket and high players movement wise is only that most low bracket players create a pattern. The make the same movement over and over again in a match, then switch it up next match. High bracket players try to minimize that pattern by not taking the same route over and over again

yeah my problem is also dance around and zig zag to avoid taking damage so if both people are moving neither can hit diddley and it becomes a stalement until someone can land a random headshot or something

I just wanted to mention it because it CAN happen. Not saying it will. Being aware of it is usually enough to avoid it (just for the sake of the experiment, not when he’s just playing)

I played Support on my second account from 2300 to 3000 (the one I mentioned) and you are very right.
Winning in Gold takes different measures than in Diamond. I had to finish off people as Mercy and ended games with gold elims there and with all other Support I had like 70%+ win rate down there by being overly aggressive.

It’s a matter of adaption. You can transition from offensive and aggressive supporting in gold to getting more and more defensive as your DPS players and tanks become better as well and you can focus more on keeping you and your team alive, rather than focussing on finishing low HP targets to win the fights.

You might not win every game, you can’t, but winning 60-65% means you’ll climb and the closer you get to your skill level it will become less until you reach 50-55%.

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Hey, there’s that gold ego! Why don’t you teach me a lesson by posting from the account you say is diamond? It would be so easy to do. Just log into the battle net account on here and say, “It’s me. I’m Mememachine.”

We’ll just look at your profile and see how it has progressed this season. I’m sure it will match the story you have told.

If you’re not willing to do this for any reason, just feel free to tell us. Maybe give an explanation as to why… just try to be honest :slight_smile:

Depends whether the matchmaker likes me or not. It was noticeable in season 9. Trash teams down to 1700. I massaged my Mmr and after a few games got godly team mates and 80% win rate. In my final game of the season, at 2k, even though we were 5v6 due to a disconnect on our team, I managed 20k heals with Lucio. How? Super solid team mates that stayed grouped up.

Now I’m struggling to break 5k heals in games as teams act with the organisation of a litter of kittens running out of their basket.

Time to frag out. And good call on the enemy team carry. I see enemy Reaper carry a lot as dps seem incapable of focusing down the 250 hp hero with 5m range. But when no one on comms and I’m playing main healer…

Supporting in silver sucks balls…

(rant over).

I wouldnt play lucio I would give moira a shot.

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ok here’s a good thing to do while you’re in dia/masters. one-trick soldier so that the MM can calculate your SR easily and has a good baseline. you will see that after 100 games or so, you will find that you will be matched with worse and worse teammates. it’s not because you’re bad, but because the system thinks you’re too good that to balance the game out, you need bad teammates.

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Enjoy that carry…

i can attest to this, i have an account that i got to 3824 and another that i am struggling to get out of plat. the mmr system will hold you down if you have a couple of bad games. its a deeply flawed system.


again no proof. i can take any account from any rank and put it in masters / gm EASILY. you just belong in gold.

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This games competitive ranking and mmr system is a complete joke.

he’s lying, it’s clearly obvious