Interesting view point.

I’m currently stuck around 1800 and sinking fast. A month ago I was winning games at 2.4k. Now I can 5 golds as Moira on a team with a Bastion… (he wasn’t great, let’s say).

I was in a simar situation a year ago. Stuck at 1700 for 30 hours as support. Then climbed 650 SR in 10 hours as Torbjorn. Maintained 2350 for around 4 seasons. Now crashing downwards as I get trash dps game after game (If our Zen is gold damage and I’m silver damage with Rein I’d consider our dps to be trash) . I wonder if it’s time to show that “I’m good enough to play higher” via maining dps again…

I have a hard time seeing a gold player that belongs in diamond in actuality. You can be underrated a few hundred SR no doubt. But 2 tiers?

I will say winning in low gold is fart easier than in mid silver. Mid silver is a mess

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Well, I consider myself mid gold support player. But with the team’s I’ve been getting lately I can easily see myself heading to mid bronze.

That said, if bronze did threaten I’d just whip out Roadhog and dps my way out.

I’d be surprised to see a dps main 2 tiers beneath where they belong though.

So, you were either lying before or are lying now. I’m just going to play it safe and assume that nothing you say is trustworthy.


skill variance is a ladder wide issue. You think low elo is any better? GOOD GOD is the skill variance bad especially between say 1600-2100

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I respect your opinion.


the ranks below plat can be a mess, nobody uses mics and there is lack of coordination, my best bet is to work on positioning.

i currently have 3300 SR with soldier having 20 games and only 6 losses. I dont do the craziest stuff but i simply never get caught in zarya or rein ults and im always on the highgrounds, also i dont waste ults. This is how u win diamond.


how tf am i going 30% winrate in Gold and 75% winrate in high diamond?

@ gazzor again

play moira and zen for dps supports.


i respect your opinion, like i said before i am an early season GM support main who decayed into diamond, but this account that i play goes 30% winrate in GOLD, while other account is soon in masters


there is huge lack of skill even in diamond, but still 50x better than gold

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Yep. Done with Moira. 50 dps (Without orb) just ain’t enough to win fights. I’m going to give Zen a run out. Failing that I’ll screw supporting any more and just give Hog a go. Everybody positions like dog shtt in silver, so should be easy to get hook picks. Easier than healing out of position people at any rate.

Seeing how we still haven’t even got the 2nd account after mulitple requests and that OP is contradicting himself, I would say he’s lying overall.

The only sensible thing that was said that when he was playing Rein that he immediatly started losing games. Which is probably why, if this story is true, he can have two different ranks.

The only explanation based on his posts is this:
He’s a gold tank player and a master/GM DPS. Both classes require a completly different skillset, so it could be possible.

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Dps requires aim, Others require mostly gamesense, and gameknowledge is one of my strongsuits

you can reach GM in this game with zero aim…

I get it TRUST ME. It IS easier to win in low gold that in mid silver I deal with it all the time on my alternate account where I dust off heroes that I am rusty at or as a warm up on my mains.

Winning in silver as sombra aint easy.

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DPS require gamesense as well, every hero does.
Gamesense is probably the most important skill out of all of them.

Seems like you’re strugling reaching GM, so your gamesense probably isn’t as good as you say it is.

All you’ve done in this thread is contradict yourself and when people ask for the profiles, you ignore them.

never said it didnt require it, but with insane mechanics you can pretty far, even GM id say, the game isnt that difficult. The game becomes infinitely easier if u queue with a friend who has good chemistry (sadly all of my friends retired this game)

also ur clearly not reading my earlier posts xD

you can reach probably mid to high plat with good mechanics no problem.

However if you want to get to even as low as low gold now you better have either

A: decent mechanics
B: decent positioning
C: some semblence of game sense and when a move is probably a bad idea.

If you dont have one those at least somewhat decently pat you are going to struggle to get out of silver now. The game is just too old and even the low end has gotten “decent” at the game.

The common issue I still see in sub 2k is really really poor survival skills. People just worry TOO Much about mechanics and pulling off circus stunts. Cant help your team if you are dead.

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Obviously I have, else I wouldn’t know that you’re contradicting yourself.

Just an example, first you post:


And you still ignore what people request because they don’t believe, because your story is contradicting.

isnt going 14-6 a 70 percent win rate?

you dont even need teamwork in silver, its basically a deathmatch server, if youre the highest skilled u will leap out of it

gold is where the egos come and it can get messy lol

Sombra without teamwork? Yeah you better have really good mechanics which I dont sadly. I can climb out of silver no problem on heroes like junkrat, dva, etc. But it does take a lot of games unless I can get on a roll.

There are so many silver portrait former plat washouts in that bracket that it’s unreal. I am seeing even gold portraits now…

its weird, i reached my peak after around 300 hours, Yet i see ppl in gold that have close to 3k hours

it just doesnt add up

True, but that’s not what I was on about.

From the quotes I gave as an example of his contradictions.
Our soldier main either did
A) go back in time
B) Stopped playing soldier, because he got carried and isn’t a good soldier, and came here to brag about his soldier winrate in high diamond with minimum games played
C) Lied

There’s been plenty of people already who called him out on it, so I’m just going to leave it here. His story isn’t believable whatsoever and he apperentl refuses to post the account, which only adds to the unbelievability.

I agree that being stuck in gold with a sub 50 percent win rate and having the opposite roughly 2 tiers above does sound outlandish.

Back in season 6 I think it was I did a 30 match run in low gold and high gold. one acccount was about 2100ish and the other one was about 2400ish at start.

I went 14-16 in low gold and that took a 5 game winning streak to even make it somewhat respectable. I did NOT throw games there either

I went 19-10-1 in high gold and climbed into low plat with it.

I will concede players can be underrated by a few hundred SR but not by 2 tiers that just dont make sense. The skill difference from say 800-1000 SR is pretty damn immense. I know for a fact that if I could play around 1200 SR for example I could probably solo carry a good portion of those games.